Viperbot is Bestbot, a PERFECT 5/7.

Premium members of viper come share your awesome testimonials of how much you love your viper bot for multiple games. Not only will your positive testimonials help ease fears of new users, but remember this. The more users we have means the most coders we can get to help us give you even better things.

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Viperbot is Bestbot, a PERFECT 5/7.

#1 Post by mack »

Jokes aside, I have used MMOViper bots in a few games now, AION, FFXIV, SWTOR, Tera and currently ESO. MMOViper is SO good that I only played AION and SWTOR because of the bot compatibility (I hated the games). I have clocked an absurd amount of time using these bots and have not once copped a ban.

I love these bots because I can make my own pathed routes in a way that is very "me" like. No one gets caught in a bot train because the paths are custom made. You CAN use other players paths, there are a lot of good ones in the forums.

Take a bit of time to look in the forums and check out the tutorials. You need a little know how but that is utterly minimal and super easy to pick up just from watching one tutorial vid.

I recommend mmoviper, well, not publicly(no one wants a ban) but privately, hell yeah!

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Re: Viperbot is Bestbot, a PERFECT 5/7.

#2 Post by PitViper »

Thanks for the compliments.

The bots have come a long way from the first ones.. and continue to improve with each new game I over haul more and more of the old bot base and keep improving it. (as well as my coding skills improve over time) :)

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