BDO Viper

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BDO Viper

#1 Post by sykotik »

Hey guys! Here's my review over the first and only (I think, but who cares, this bot rocks haha) for Black desert online.

1. Initial Setup: Since this bot just got released for BDO about 3 days ago, there were not any patrol areas (grinding profiles) made the first few days. This isn't an issue! Viper made it extremely easy to make and setup patrol areas to get you started on making your own profiles and sharing them with the community!

Class profiles are a little difficult to setup if you are new and don't understand how things work just yet, I personally made (most) of the class profiles that are supported in Black Desert at the moment. So this shouldn't be an issue anymore with the initial setup. Everything it pretty much load and go now!

2. How efficient is it?: Very. It's pretty basic, but like most people already know, BDO doesn't give you experience from questing unlike most modern MMO's these days. The majority of your leveling comes from grinding. That is what makes this bot perfect for leveling your toon's extremely fast. You load your grinding area, class profile, change a few options depending on your class, and then watch the levels fly in!

3. How fast does it level?: With the majority of my time going towards making class profiles and patrol areas for this bot yesterday (The day before this post) I went from level 16 - 32 on my witch alone. Keep in mind, she was afk for around 4 hours out of the 9 I was running this bot yesterday. That's 16 levels in 5 hours! For a bot at this early of a stage, that's amazing, especially since my profiles still need a lot of tweaking.

4. Features: Like I said, the bot is still new and was just released a few days ago, so it's very basic right now. I personally have only been grinding, so I can't say too much about gathering and fishing as of right now. But from the grinding aspect, it's near perfect. Some additional features I hope to be added would make this bot amazing!

5. So is it worth the money? (5$ a month!): YES! If you want to get your characters to soft cap as soon as possible and making a ton of silver while you're at it without having to do hardly any work, then is defiantly for you! I will defiantly recommend this to some of my friends I know IRL who are nonstop grinding and looking for a way to bypass it. So by all means, GET THIS BOT.

If you have any questions or need help with setting the bot up, Viper is always available and a cool guy, I am also able to help anyone out as much as I can if you want to send me a message!
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Re: BDO Viper

#2 Post by PitViper »

Just wanted to give you my personal thank you.

Your assistance in creating profiles and patrols has allowed me to keep working on and improving the bot.

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Re: BDO Viper

#3 Post by sykotik »

PitViper wrote:Just wanted to give you my personal thank you.

Your assistance in creating profiles and patrols has allowed me to keep working on and improving the bot.
No need, you did all the work so I could create these profiles and patrol areas! :D Thank you for an awesome bot and showing your active support in the forums!
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Re: BDO Viper

#4 Post by radefox »

I am using this bot for BDO, and I am very happy with it.

I get the feeling it is in its infancy, but improvements are common, and new patrols and profiles are added almost daily.

I would recommend this Bot highly, my first night using it to grind Treants I scored a Tree Spirit Belt! Havent had it happen again, YET, but it will. How do I know? Because now I can log the hours into the game like I wish I could, but am not able to while working full time with a family.

I give it 4.5 stars out of 5, and once they work out the 32bit client crashes, or the 64bit version comes along stable, I will not hesitate to give it 6 out of 5!

All hail Sykotic and PitViper, with a special thanks to Fdiz and Otome, whose profiles and patrols I also use in addition to Sykotics. 8)

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