CHIMERA - Alpha 2 - The last pixel bot you will ever need

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CHIMERA - Alpha 2 - The last pixel bot you will ever need

#1 Post by PitViper »

Alpha 2 is here!

Here are the Bugfixes and Tweaks:
Added: Pitch to default monitors (initial support for 3d nav)
Added: Overrides for Facing Pitch angle
Added: Mouse Hold/Free Turning options
Bugfix: Pixel pack scanner no longer crashes on overflow
Bugfix: Prevent button bouncing in Turn Testing
Bugfix: Patrol Refresh no longer duplicates patrols
Bugfix: Fixed nav for keyboard turning
Bugfix: Patrol auto add waypoints working again.
Bugfix: ESO Radar showing correct heading
Bugfix: ESO Plugin updating monitors
Bugfxi: Navigation multiple tweaks, reduce jitter, etc
Bugfix: Fixed scrolling in some controls

The plugins should auto update if you installed them with Alpha 1. They should all show v1.01.

If they dont, or you are installing from scratch here is some instructions to get started:

Launch bot. Go to Game tab. Click on New. Create

FFXIV: Create new Game Profile, name it FFXIV. Set the window to ffxiv_dx11.exe
ESO: Create new Game Profile, name it ESO. Set the window to eso64. Save.

Head to Plugins tab. Click Import for the ones you want to play with:

E268F0FCC0237BDF3375C172FA1C1F34 -- ESO Memory Module v1.01 (for use with Radar, and Simple Patrol Plugin)
66A545AFB098F2C07719615F0406386A -- FFXIV Memory Module v1.01 (for use with Radar, Simple Patrol Plugin)

FE3DE659EE5F8596091AD9AB7A448E83 -- Simple Radar v1.01(needs a Memory Module also installed)
50C05B7D684F3318DF8541C1B867AF31 -- Simple Patrol Bot v1.01 (needs a memory module to work)

You will need to setup how the bot turns/moves. Here are my test settings Minimap tab/Nav Settings:
ESO: RUN/Stop: ESO Plugin, Left/Right: Mouse Move TurnStep: 5, Rate: 3.93, Delay: 35, Tol: 10, Stop: 3.0
FFXIV: RUN/Stop: FFXIV Plugin, Left/Right: Right Mouse Turn, Step: 6, Rate: 8.35, Delay: 35, Tol: 10, Stop: 3.0

I will have sources to the radar and the patrol bot up in a few days, once I get caught up with things.

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