CHIMERA - The latest pixel bot using AI goes Alpha 1

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CHIMERA - The latest pixel bot using AI goes Alpha 1

#1 Post by PitViper »

This is the early Alpha for Chimera. Lots of things work.. Lots of things do not work.

If you are expecting a turn key bot for xx game.. wait til Release.

For now.. this is Alpha. Currently this is for testing the main functions.. Does this button work, does this tab work, etc.
Sometimes you have to load the bot multiple times before the window shows up. Part of the issues, I was having the other day. Trying to resolve it.

Launch bot. Go to Game tab. Click on New. Create

FFXIV: Create new Game Profile, name it FFXIV. Set the window

ESO: Create new Game Profile, name it ESO. Set the window to eso64. Save.

Head to Plugins tab. Click Import for the ones you want to play with:

E268F0FCC0237BDF3375C172FA1C1F34 -- ESO Memory Module (for use with Radar)
66A545AFB098F2C07719615F0406386A -- FFXIV Memory Module (for use with Radar, Simple Patrol Plugin)

FE3DE659EE5F8596091AD9AB7A448E83 -- Simple Radar (needs a Memory Module also installed)
50C05B7D684F3318DF8541C1B867AF31 -- Simple Patrol Bot (needs a memory module to work) -- Currently ONLY works with FFXIV.

I will have sources to the radar and the patrol bot up in a few days, once I get caught up with things.

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