LotroViperBot 1.02 Released!

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LotroViperBot 1.02 Released!

#1 Post by PitViper »

November 5, 2007 LOTROViperBot Version 1.02

--Bugfix: Fixed a bug that would cause player to not target mobs < 80 defined range.
--Modified: When players are around, it will move on to the next waypoint.
--Bugfix: Sometimes the x,y,z were not showing up. Should be fixed now. Althought it might cause a slight increase in initial load time.
--Modified: Add to help/install notes that Floaty Names for Mobs, and Items, and Players MUST be turned ON for LotroViperBot to work.
--Bugfix: Fixed a bug that would cause it to not attack mobs that were not aggro.
--Bugfix: Was saving a unloaded profile when you hit start viper.
--Bugfix: Will load the last used profile on startup.

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