FFXIV Bot - Scripting additions, bug fixes, etc

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FFXIV Bot - Scripting additions, bug fixes, etc

#1 Post by PitViper »

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes =========
November 30, 2023 MMOViperBot Version

Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) Bot:
- Bugfix: Fixed rare crash bug
- Tweak: Changed scripting enum Status to remove Casting and replace with Fighting (casting added below)
- Added: Scripting Struct: Point3f for use with below.
- Added: Scripting APIs:
IClassGauges IPlayer.ClassGauges { get; }
ISpellCastInfo IMob.SpellCastInfo { get; }
public interface ISpellCastInfo
uint ID { get; }
string Name { get; }
UInt64 TargetID { get; }
float RemainingCastTime { get; }
Point3f CastLocation { get; }
bool Interruptible { get; }
public interface IClassGauges
ISamurai Samurai { get; }
ISummoner Summoner { get; }
public interface ISummoner
int TranceTimer { get; }
int PetTimer { get; }
int ElementalAttunement { get; }
int Aetherflow { get; }
ClassGauges.Summoner.PetFlags ActivePet { get; }
ClassGauges.Summoner.PetFlags AvailablePets { get; }
public interface ISamurai
int Kenki { get; }
int Meditation { get; }
ClassGauges.Samurai.Iaijutsu Sen { get; }
- Added: Scripting Enums:
public class ClassGauges
public class Samurai
public enum Iaijutsu
Setsu = 1,
Getsu = 2,
Ka = 4
public class Summoner
public enum PetFlags
None = 0,
Phoenix = 1,
Ifrit = 2,
Titan = 4,
Garuda = 8,
Bahamut = 16,

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Re: FFXIV Bot - Scripting additions, bug fixes, etc

#2 Post by PitViper »

Updated to fix a profile corruption bug.

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