Lost Ark - Pixel Botting Navigation

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Lost Ark - Pixel Botting Navigation

#1 Post by PitViper »

Trying to make a generic Pixel bot that can understand what it sees on the screen just like a real person! Currently working on a nav system where it is able to read where you are and navigate to a new place. Now, granted this is in lost ark.. but its just a game to get a idea of what you can do with pixels alone. No memory reads, no injection.. just looking at the screen and determining where to go.

Posted a link on the discord of a video showing what this looks like.

https://discord.com/channels/1775213340 ... 7985999973

Here is a idea of what the path was in the video.
AStarPath.png (87.31 KiB) Viewed 1102 times

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