Fish delays

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Fish delays

#1 Post by havoc »

There is 5 fish delays:

Random bite delay
Random hook delay
Random reel delay
Random cast delay

AFK delay average of 5min (every 30-35 cast if im not mistaken, and have critical chance of duration from 10 to 20 seconds)

Lets say 4 of 5 delays (bolded above) have average total of 10 sec thats in 90 fishes 5min wasted time. (only 1 delay can be over 13 sec but lets say all in total average is 10sec). I said fishes but it can also be trash.

AFK delay is lets say every 30 fishes and lets take 5 min average, so ity every 30 fishes bot takes 5min afk delay. 30 fishes you can count like 30 inventory slots but again it can be trash, also if your rod have durability 0 bot will cast rod and then switch to new rod but there you lost 1 cast or should i say fish.

If we calculate total wasted time and say you have 90 inventory slots you will lost total of:

4 of 5 delays: 10sec per fish x 90 slots it 900 seconds = 15 min
AFK delay: every 30 fish/cast is 5 min delay, if we have 90 slots thats total of 15 min
Total: 30 minutes

Every going to town 30 minutes will be wasted and remember i still didnt include critical chance of afk delay which can be 10 to 20min.1 run to town you will loose 30min (+food buff) Imagine if you have over 90 slots thats even more time wasted.

If you take in mind that spots are not abudant, mostly average or not enough (public goldspots where 99.99% ppl go), trash items taken, deleting from inventory white/green fish and trash which means every white/green fish, trash and even keys are wasting AFK delay which means wasting of slot because you want blue/yellow fish /relic which again means AFKdelay is coming faster.

I know pit set these delays to protect players from getting banned but lets get honest, ppl are making perfect fish scripts and thats allowed... also if i want to get banned i want to get banned in style, i want to have money to buy gear. As i said to pit in 2 months of only fishing i have 220mil without ANY gear (+15 items etc), and i think half of that money if not 30% is from selling relics.

When i bought this bot i was thinking its bot...i can do whatever i want and not be limited to some stupid things like this, i mean im already pissed because of 64bit,not getting boat option and loot filter as promised. (its coming, yea for over 2 months...) I dont want pit to remove delays, im just saying delays are too long. If player is banned that doesnt mean mmoviper is detected (which pit is scared of because he wants mmoviper to sell more and more) but if you think that there is no mmoviper trial, 6 months subscribtion which is 30$ and 24-48 hours refund which is impossible to check every option its really not fair to use this limitation to user who are paid for bot to do whatever they want.

So i suggested to add this options:

Random bite delay 1~10 (sec)
Random hook delay 1~10 (sec)
Random reel delay 1~10 (sec)
Random cast delay 1~10 (sec)
AFK delay 1~10 (hours)

Default is whatever pit set, but customer (us) can change that so if you set to 1sec, it means it can be from 0.10sec to 1sec.

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Re: Fish delays

#2 Post by kiszmmit »


I tend to agree with Havoc as above post, i do have a 72 slots in my bag and it takes forever for the bot to fill my bag up once all the trash fish are removed - If i were to fish normally it woud take me 1hr and 25mins to fill all the slots ( no AFK) but the fishing bot's 5min AFK fishing is extending fishing times for me dramatically so far as the fish start deteriorating before i can get them to trade manager.

Somecants "Fishy" plugin works a treat but i feel that the Viper fishing is consuming more time than is necessary.

Can you get rid of the 5min AFK or atleast as Havoc has stated allow us to determine the time sequence of thee delays.


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Re: Fish delays

#3 Post by PitViper »

Here would be a good test..

Manually fish for 1 week... DO NOT RUN THE BOT at all during that week.

Then fish for a week using the bot.

Please let us know your results.

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Re: Fish delays

#4 Post by havoc »

If i want to manually fish i wouldnt pay for bot -.- I dont see any problem, just give us option to change random delays.
Why put restrictions? We are using bot its already illegal.

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Re: Fish delays

#5 Post by longandshort »

havoc wrote:If i want to manually fish i wouldnt pay for bot -.- I dont see any problem, just give us option to change random delays.
Why put restrictions? We are using bot its already illegal.

Viper is trying to secure his income as much as possible by not letting the majority of reckless suicide accounts gain more then necessary attention to bots. can you blame them?

Allowing him to secure that means you can bot for longer then a year as opposed to maybe a few months into a games launch.

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Re: Fish delays

#6 Post by havoc »

But you dont understand that people already get banned using this bot, but thats not important because they didnt discover any mmoviper code or how you gonna call that, daum banned people because they got recorded how they bot. Example every bot who kills monsters is acting like bot, never like human. So everyone who is killing monsters are risking ban while fishing is most safest way because 99.99% ppl dont even see that player is using bot. Sometimes they just come and kill fishers so it can be abudant for 1 hour and thats it. Im using bots over 15 years and i never saw restrictions like this in my life. If i want to get banned i would use everything i want to bot because i payed for it, not to be limited with things like this. I even paid for some goldspot scripts but how to use them 100% with restrictions like this. What even AFK delay means? That im AFK? Trying to be human? How is this helping customer? Is this afk delay so safe option that daum when they add extra protection and detection wont see that every 30-35 cast player is afk, isnt that too obvious?

Some reply:
Also the critical chance (greater than 5 mins) has been reduced to 10% chance and will only proc if you have fished over 100 times.
Critical can be 10 to 20 min. Normal cooldown is 3 to 9 min, average is 6min, but i took in first post 5min. So instead of 33min per 90 slots, i took 30min per 90 slots (without critical chance).

I bought and i belive everyone bought bot so they can BOT, not LIMITED BOT. So easiest way for everything would be giving duration option of all delays. I really dont see problem.

Again, if i or someone else gets ban its because someone recorded me/you and thats it. Its not mmoviper fault.

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Re: Fish delays

#7 Post by longandshort »

I repeat in hope it gets through that dence layer of ignorance.

"Viper is trying to secure his income as much as possible by not letting the majority of reckless suicide accounts gain more then necessary attention to bots. can you blame them?

Now with that repeated i will also point out that many people have already posted how to bypass it!

This is what happens when you dont allow restriction.... you may not do it todayu but you might feel the need to when you think you will be banned and you will fuck it for everyone else.

But like viper said, bot without it for one week and then bot for one week and report your findings here please.

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Re: Fish delays

#8 Post by PitViper »

I'm going to lock this now...

I have posted about this months ago when the random delays were added. You can browse those threads on my reasoning and why they will not be removed.


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