FFXIV Bot Collectibles Farming

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FFXIV Bot Collectibles Farming

#1 Post by PitViper »

November 3, 2015 MMOViperBot Version

All Bots:
- Bugfix: Fixed issues with multiple monitors, where bot would load off-screen
- Tweak: Bot will no longer return to waypoint after fighting, harvesting, etc, and will continue to next waypoint.
- Bugfix: Fixed find target bug where it would skip nodes if you were flying too high above them.
- Bugfix: Fixed bug causing melee distances to run up to mob even with defined melee distances

- Bugfix: Fixed random bug where bot would jump just before harvesting.
- Bugfix: Fixed random bug causing player to miss harvesting node slightly.
- Bugfix: While fishing, bot will continue to mooch even if out of casts.
- Bugfix: Fixed issue where it would mount/dismount
- Tweak: Tweaked flying to look less bottish
- Tweak: Harvesting Names will now match exact name match first, if no match, will look for a partial match.
- Tweak: Stealth will now activate if you are mounted, but not flying. This is to help get to hard to reach harvesting spots.
- Added: Harvesting Collecting - Double click on target (unspoiled node) in the patrol/target tab and enter collecting info.
- Added: Fishing Collecting - Add task: FFXIV->Cast Fishing Reel, and set your minimum collectible score to collect, or leave blank to skip
- Added: IF/THEN and WHILE Logic routines. To Use: Add task: FFXIV->If Eorzea Time Begin (will not run if not within time limits)
- Added: New Task: FFXIV->Close Chat Bubble. If a NPC chat bubble is open, this will close it.
- Added: New Task: FFXIV->Click Yes or No. If a yes or no window is open, the bot will click yes or no.

Did you know?
Here is how you set up a unspoiled node for harvesting. Add it to your patrol/target. Then double click on the name. Check the advanced harvesting checkbox, and put in the name of the item you want to harvest. Ie, Old World Fig, or whatever. Now, click the buttons to set the Collecting. Macros are not supported at this time but should be soon. So add the keys you want to increase your collectible score (rarity). Ie, Discerning Eye, etc. Keep in mind, you can add L_SHIFT+3 (to switch to hot bar 3 in game).
So here is an example for an item that has 240 minimum collecting rating:

L_SHIFT+3 (hotbar 3), Discerning Eye, Methodical Appraisal, Methodical Appraisal, L_SHIFT+1 (hotbar 1)

This will switch to hotbar 3, up the rarity, then switch back to hotbar 1.

This would look in viper like: L_SHIFT+3, 3, 2, 2, L_SHIFT+1 (yours may vary depending on where your hotkeys are.)

Finally click on the set button to set your buff to turn on collecting. Mine is like so: L_SHIFT+3 (switch to hotbar 3), 1, L_SHIFT+1 (switch to hotbar 1). Save and run. The bot will switch to collecting mode press your START FIGHT BUFFS (If you are using Toil of the Pioneer, put it here), then harvest the item you specified. Finally it will up the rarity based on your settings and collect until done. Please post on the forums if you are having problems getting this set up.

Did you know?
How do I use the new If/Then tasks? Its really easy. Here is a quick way to farm collectibles. Add the following tasks in your campaign:

Code: Select all

IF: Eorzea.Time >= 2 && Eorzea.Time <= 3
           Start Patrol: FFXIV Collecting Botany Patrol,0,3
Rest: 10000
Goto Task Number: 1
So what is all of that? Well, first it checks to see if the time is between 2 AM and 3 AM. Keep in mind the bot sees a 24 hour clock with minutes as a fraction. So 2.5 is actually 2:30 AM, and 14.5 is actually 2:30 PM. Next, it runs the patrol listed. Now, you will need to make that patrol and add the unspoiled node to it. See the above did-ya to see how to set it up for collecting. Next, it will run that patrol 3 times. I suggest putting at the end of your patrol a Rest task set to a few seconds, so if the node spawns a few minutes late (usually spawns at say 2:05 or how the bot sees it: 2.08333) it will wait around and try a few times. So Your patrol would look like this:

Patrol FFXIV Collecting Botany Patrol
Task: Goto Waypoint x,y,z
Task: Rest 10000

I hope that helps ya get setup with farming collectibles. Once you get the feel for it, I'm sure you will be making much more complex campaigns. Just be sure to share them with the rest of us! Click on the Export Campaign button on the Campaign tab, and upload the zip it creates.

As always, send comments or request to the forums.

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Re: FFXIV Bot Collectibles Farming

#2 Post by PitViper »

This should go out late tonight or early tomorrow.

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Re: FFXIV Bot Collectibles Farming

#3 Post by PitViper »

The patch is going up now. Please test and let me know if there are any bugs or fixes that need to be addressed.

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Re: FFXIV Bot Collectibles Farming

#4 Post by PitViper »

Tutorial on how to run a Triple Triad NPC that is on a timer...

Here is an example campaign that will play 2 rounds and then exit the match

Code: Select all

Target NPC: NameGoesHere
Press Key(s): NUMPAD0
Click Vendor Button: 1
Close Chat Bubble
           MGP Triple Triad: NameGoesHere,6,Fast
Pause: 2000
Press Key(s): ESCAPE
Close Chat Bubble
I hope that will help.

Alternatively, the match window will close after 20 seconds.. so you could replace this:
Pause: 2000
Press Key(s): ESCAPE
Close Chat Bubble

with this:
Pause: 22000

And let the bot wait it out, and then move on to a different location.

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Re: FFXIV Bot Collectibles Farming

#5 Post by myrd »

Sorry Viper, are there any more information about the IF/Then?

All we know now is Eorzea.Time, while your ? states viper compatible syntax...
What I would like to know is.. what are condition checks are there?

Can we check HP/GP/TP? or active statues? or current job?


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Re: FFXIV Bot Collectibles Farming

#6 Post by PitViper »

I have only added the ez time so far. I asked people what other things they might want to use, and an example of why they would want it. Suggestions?

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