My Testimonial for Tera

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My Testimonial for Tera

#1 Post by fxseries »

Hello, it has been a little more than 2 months. I've botting experiences in the past. There is only one thing to say about this bot. It's a SUPER fragmentary bot. That means it's missing some of the very basic elements, thus I wouldn't consider it as a bot, at least not by my standard. First, you can't leave this bot unattended, it will run into problems. This bot was not made to be multiclient-able with dungeons. There are a lot of bugs, a lot of functions advertised that doesn't work correctly. I've been begging the admin to fix some of the very important features. But it didn't get anywhere. Can this bot run 24/7 without problems? Impossible. If you hear someone say that on this forum, perhaps it's just for simple mob killing. Other than that it's not possible for the bot to run 24/7 without problems. I've spent more than 1440 hours testing this bot. I pretty much know 50% about this bot. The other 50% is the coding and organization that the admin did to put this bot together. Basically I know pretty much everything about the bot in terms of usage.

Keep in mind Tera had a major change. The monsters in the outside world (aka monsters outside of dungeons) do not drop gold anymore. So the past testimonial is now useless. This bot became useless. Until the admin decide to focus on making changes toward the dungeon, this bot is not worth getting. If you're not savvy with botting, you'll just waste your money after 30-1 hour of trying to figure out how this work. But then you won't be able to because the bot will never work the way you expected to.

Overall, if you're not a "bot-witted" user, this bot is not your friend. I personally can handle all the flaws the bot produces, I am botting 24/7 without paying any attention with the help of other programs, it's not possible for it to run alone. I will not share my methods. I just want to let others know what they are getting into. By the way, the admin started the version 3.0 project last year, it still hasn't been released yet. Admin kept saying Tera keeps on patching. That's is funny because Tera does not patch everyday or every week. I'd say month or months between each patch. Judging on the way how the version is changing, it won't happen in 3 years. Don't wait for it. That just means the admin can't make it happen. I didn't give up on the bot, I've tried my best to speak with the admin and ask him to fix and add features that would make the bot more useful. Now I'll just stick with what I have. I'm still very grateful to the admin for making this. It's a fine program, it's just not made for novice/beginners. Perhaps not even for intermediates, I'd say for advanced and meticulous users that can fully utilize what they learned and know from past experience. I applaud the admin for creating this cheap bot. At least it creates hopes for those who wish to bot at an advanced level. I'm sorry for those that can't make use of this bot.

So the final question is:

Will I renew my suscription?
Yes, I want to see which is faster : Spend 90 dollars renewing 3 more times (2 years total) or version 3.0 Release
I wish to keep subscribing to MMOViper to show my gratitude and support.

Should you get this bot?

Yes if you only want to bot 1 account and want to use this just for fun, it's a fine program to do just that. It's also very very cheap. Admin update the bot very quickly when there is a new patch.

No if you want to farm dungeons. The bot is very lacking in every aspect. It can't handle bossing, the combating system isn't quick-witted to handle bossing. It can't auto go back to dungeon after death. It basically can't do anything by itself. It only knows how to navigate, click where you want it to click, press what you want it to press and fight until death. It lacks the "if" this happens it should do this and that. It lacks "when" this happens do this and that. Basically it's a straight forward simple macro program that can "hook/inject" or "focus" on that program and play a simplistic script.

Note: This is a testimonial for TERA bot. This does not speak for the other mmo bots on this site.
Last edited by fxseries on Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: My Testimonial for Tera

#2 Post by PitViper »

Is this your way of telling me to hurry up with the features you have requested?

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Re: My Testimonial for Tera

#3 Post by fxseries »

Admin, let's be honest. The features I've talked about are something that can be put behind, it doesn't matter now. I only wanted to give you professional idea on how to make the bot better. If my ideas is impossible to create, then let it go. The latest request I've ask is to fix the time to res at 0. That is all I was asking for. It's not a new feature. You said you fixed it, but it won't be released until the next version. Why does it have to be the next version if you already have fixed it. If you've already fixed it with the current version, what is stopping you from releasing it? Pretty weird... perhaps you didn't even work on the fix? well anyways, it's ok, I won't request any more bug fix. I'm sorry for pestering and bothering you about the bugs. I only wanted to help.

This is not my way to get you fix the bugs. I've tried, haven't I? I've spoken to you many times. How did it end up? Nothing happened. You ignored the problems. I fixed the problems myself. Now I thought it was time for me to make this testimonial. I only wanted to share my testimonial with real facts and feelings. I don't want to see innocent people paying for something they have no clue about and end up regretting. I'm frustrated about all the unnecessary delay and there is much potential you can put into this bot. I really don't understand what you've been doing for months. What happened to the version 3.0 project? If there are features that can't get to work, then release the ones that are working. Why does it have to be all out in one shot? It doesn't make any sense. But hey, this is your work, not mine. I'm happy with what I can do for now. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for making this bot.
Last edited by fxseries on Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: My Testimonial for Tera

#4 Post by PitViper »

Yes, its in the next version, I'll get it pushed out tonight. And I actually tested it this time. :)

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Re: My Testimonial for Tera

#5 Post by fxseries »

I have important requests. I think it can totally change the bot and it's not a new feature. You already have it in the bot, but it's not working at all. Here I go:

1)When loot is ON, it loots things. The important part is, is it possible for you to make the bot loots the motes/healing even when the loot is OFF?

2)There is a Healing button in options. You told me it was for healing, but it doesn't even work. Can you perhaps link it with resting? For example, when the character's health is below the % set, it would press the healing key regardless if it's in combat or out of combat. This would be like an emergency healing to prevent death. We all know that when the health reach below the negative threshold set in Resting, the bot stops and wait until it reach the neutral threshold. Instead of wasting time waiting, the bot should press the healing key to heal and reach the neutral threshold quicker.

The only basic element this bot is missing are the bugs I've explained above. If you can get it to work again, it would be at least usable. How can a combating system not have any healing functions. Not only is it like the perfect healing feature that works together with Resting, unlike the old fashion method where in the video it is set by hotkey and only works in combat. Don't forget if you are going to fix and adjust this make sure the bot doesn't spam the healing button when it does die due to it detecting health below the threshold.

But what is the real difference between using hotkey to heal and an actual emergency healing button? The difference is if a healing button is linked with resting, it will stop all action and spam the healing button until it reaches the neutral threshold. For example: a berserker is set at 90% threshold, when it reaches 89% it will spam an hp potion. For a mystic it would spam drop motes or summon thrall of life. Combination of the new loot function where it will loot motes and healing drops when loot is set OFF. There is many usage with this unlike the hotkey method where it only functions in combat and if you get knocked down, it's over.

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Re: My Testimonial for Tera

#6 Post by PitViper »

1. Yes. Add the mote as a target to your patrol. The bot will try to loot it. Its not 100%, but its pretty good. And it ONLY will harvest AFTER a fight.. ie when it is looking for targets. I'm guessing you want an option to have it loot them during combat?

2. Healing works, I have tested it. Just do not use the advanced/target self option. Use the HP 100% for always fire (beside min/max range when you create the hotkey. Yes, I know hotkeys need to be overhauled, so you dont have to delete the key to modify.

I also have mine set to bandage after fight. I have added a combo, with each set to press a dummy key (so it waits the full 10-15 seconds before trying again. And added 3-4 of these, each set to the same HP, so it cast 1, then check if hp is still below, and cast another.

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Re: My Testimonial for Tera

#7 Post by fxseries »

No, go to Options and then option again. In Movement there is "heal". That doesnt work. The description says its the key to heal. But it doesnt work.

What you said is hotkey, which is not good. I have healing for hotkey, during combat and out of combat, but i still die every often.

If you can fix the heal key, then that would better

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Re: My Testimonial for Tera

#8 Post by PitViper »

That key is not actually used in tera.. was used in other games where you had to "sit down" in order to heal faster.

I will have to enable it or add an option for you to be able to launch a macro/key when the bot needs to heal.

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Re: My Testimonial for Tera

#9 Post by fxseries »

Ohhh. Well if it's easy work for you that would be great. I mean if there is a healing button that will act upon threshold would be super duper awesome. Hence if you can link it with "resting thresholds". Thus the bot won't stay idle when it reaches that resting threshold and waste time standing there to regenerate to the neutral threshold ( the one that continues the bot). On top of that if it can also disregard the combat mode and cast at any time when it reach below the threshold would make it even better. It would be the core to survival. It's the first step to working toward bossing with the bot.

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