Tera Bot updated to Aggro Detection Disable

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Tera Bot updated to Aggro Detection Disable

#1 Post by PitViper »

Mar 21, 2015 MMOViperBot Version

All Games:
- Added: Task: Navigation - Enable Aggro Checks, Disable Aggro Checks. Use this to set waypoints and have bot ignore mobs while traveling.
- Added: Task: Navigation - Enable Patrol Target Checks, Disable Patrol Target Checks. Use this disable finding new targets to fight/loot while traveling.

- Bugfix: Fixed issues with Boss Mobs. Bot will fight them instead of try to harvest them!

GW2 Bot:
- Bugfix: Fixed broken offsets

Did you know?
With the new tasks, you can now customize your patrols to ignore aggro and ignore
finding new targets. Use the Aggro checks, to force your character to follow a path
before attacking back (via waypoints). You can also turn off patrol target detection
to make long travel routes without stopping to fight, but still stop if you get
attacked and fight back. Or you can disable both, to force player to run to the
destination with all abandon!

Mar 11, 2015 MMOViperBot Version

- Bugfix: Fixed looting issues.
- Bugfix: Tweaked debugging to help with looting issues.
- Added: Option key for looting/harvesting (default is F) in options/looting

Elder Scrolls Online Bot:
- Bugfix: Aggro was not being detected correctly.

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