Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)
Moderator: ScreamingEagle
- Posts: 667
- Joined: Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:21 am
Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)
Yeah but after you kill that many then it wont kill any more correct?
I'd like to see an even ratio so I don't get 300+ kills but only 20 nodes.
I'd like to see an even ratio so I don't get 300+ kills but only 20 nodes.
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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)
Correct, then it will stop killing those until the patrol starts over.
So if you want to restart the counters, in your campaign you load the patrol and repeat the patrol.
So if you want to restart the counters, in your campaign you load the patrol and repeat the patrol.
Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)
I was also thinking could there be a way to have viper doing both crafting and desynth? Because crafting and desynth are very very boring to do, so if we could have an option so the both is crafting and desynth right away we could avoid overloading our inventory and it'd really help improving our desynth %.
Another option I just thought about would be to have the bot putting us automatically in away mode and acting like an answering machine. Like we'd type a message in our respective language "Sorry but I'm crafting right now and it's overflooding my logs. Can we discuss this later." and only saying it once by user.
Another option I just thought about would be to have the bot putting us automatically in away mode and acting like an answering machine. Like we'd type a message in our respective language "Sorry but I'm crafting right now and it's overflooding my logs. Can we discuss this later." and only saying it once by user.
Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)
I know you already have been working on this.
Multi client/background running.
Multi client/background running.

Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)
I travel allot and sometimes I am on a bad internet connection and FFXIV gets disconnected. Is there any way when it can't detect the health / mana status that it could reconnect. System drops to the lost connection hit enter click start select character and then click yes? It does not exit game so don't need login / password just for bot to rejoin game.
Thanks for the great product.
I travel allot and sometimes I am on a bad internet connection and FFXIV gets disconnected. Is there any way when it can't detect the health / mana status that it could reconnect. System drops to the lost connection hit enter click start select character and then click yes? It does not exit game so don't need login / password just for bot to rejoin game.
Thanks for the great product.
Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)
as a temp fix, you could make a small autoit program that looks for pixels on the screen, when it detects the background at the login screen it would press enter.
This has been requested before, just have not had time to implement it.
This has been requested before, just have not had time to implement it.
Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)
we need a way for the bot to know how many points you have left to gather nodes.

- Posts: 94
- Joined: Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:36 pm
Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)
Thanks so much for asking! My focus for the requests are crafting and gathering - but i am sure a lot would apply to combat. There are many times I wish there were conditionals for crafting to more efficiently automate the process. Here's my wish list:
- Nested ifs. Likely 4 levels would be enough.
- OR/AND/NOR logic.
- Conditionals: >, <, =, NOT etc.
- Read current CP, Craftsmanship, Control, Durability, Progress, & Condition (Normal. Good, Excellent, Poor) and execute commands based on these conditions.
- Read E-time, weather condition and other appropriate info to allow for smart fishing or harvesting of unspoiled nodes.
- Status check for: Stealth (no point in being stealthed all the time - but with the ifs this could get out of sync), Truth of Forest, Truth of Mountains and Food buffs.
- Status check for Various Crafting buffs including food buffs.
- Status check for companion and option to resummon.
- Ability to embed logic and GP skills in gathering patrols. Profiles don't always seem to work for me. This feature would be necessary for the efficient harvesting of unspoiled nodes. (example: When harvesting cluster in mor'dhona, the appropriate slot is harvested to clear the "unreachable", THEN you can cast your skill to up the number of items gathered - you cannot do it before a the appropriate ward is unavailable).
- With the preceding ability, we might need a way to access skills by NAME, not just by keypress. e.g. we can't change the locations of the wards on our hot bar like we do when running a profile and we need the right ward for each gather. This could also be done with If statements - e.g. if "water" exists press 1, if "wind" esists press 2, etc.
- Change classes and a gear/class check.
- Change slots on a single harvest - e.g. I don't bother with skills when I harvest grade 3 Thanalan soil. I just hit the last slot to reveal it, then hit the soil. I then move up to slot 5, hit it to reveal it, then harvest 3 more water clusters.
- Ignore nodes for a short amount of time to "power search". Example: you want a peisteskin map FAST, or you JUST want seeds or a soil pop. Manually you open the node, and if it doesn't have what you want, you close it and move to the next one. Once you hit and close the 3rd node, node 1 regenerates and sometimes even moves location. When you hit and close the 4th node, node 2 regens - etc. Obviously we would need the bot to ignore the last two nodes checked.
- Ability to "count" harvests and switch what you were harvesting or quit based on that parameter. This works with the requested OR/AND logic: e.g. "harvest until I have 20 HQ or 200 NQ" or "harvest until I have 20HQ and 200NQ"
- Path editing and blocking of problem areas.
- Chat without interference (separate box?) especially when fishing!
- Fix for bot ignoring mooch and terminating on last cast of any fishing segment (I can't even count how many HQ mooches I've lost).
- Fix hesitation when distance to node has been modified by user.
- Allow user created list of fish to make use of the Release feature (would have to be NQ only or a way to specify NQ or HQ. Our bags aren't getting any bigger, and with all the new harvests comes a need for efficient use of space!
- Bag/retainer/chest parser. Include location and slot number. Dump to a text file for searching or autosearch. I don't even care if this is manual (e.g. IDC if I have to run it with the retainer/chest open to propagate/update the list)!
Mmoviper rada is powerfull, but more options is needed.
I use mmoviper rada. Im doing pvp solo and grp bombing in cyrodill and pve tanking, dps & healing. Its rly powerfull, but more options is needed.
1. See enemy players in another color.
2. See enemy players in stealth"moving"
3. Fast setup for auto follow on name/leader and still be able to cast spells.
4. Bigger map for cyrodill, greater distance and more zoom to see enemy players to find the big groupe's or snipers.
5. Able to setup alert sound when 1/50+- enemys are incomming in rage of 50/500+- meters.
6. Able to setup cirkel around the spot with most enemys so i know what enemys i shal move my big groupe to bomb.
7. Able to setup more names to highlight.
8. Able to highlight high rank players for more ap.
9. Auto Highlight "enemys" revenge kills.
10. Change color on friendly/enemys when hp goes low 20%+- . Defferent color on enemys then friendly on low hp.
11. Highlight Frendly players when thy are in combat
12. Highlight raid/groupe
13. Highlight lower level players "lvl 10 - VR13" to kill first in a 1vx fight
14. Show a aoe/ultimate as a cirkel on rada defferent color on frendly then enemy "Standard, negate, vob or nova"
15. Highlight/track enemys you have locked target on "the keybind ingame (TAP)"
16. Highlight the enemy/person that killed you last fight
17. Highlight Vamp/WW
18. Highlight by name or more hp "big/boss enemy mobs" / tanking "taunt"
19. Able to setup line from mob to frendly player if thy get aggro from mobs / tanking "taunt"
20. Highlight mobs you have aggro on or the ones you dont have aggro on / tanking "taunt"
21. Highlight/sound when enemy mob use heavy attack / tanking "block"
22. Highlight low health mobs / For dps "execute/dps"
23. Highlight/sound when mobs cast spells / To interrupt
24. Highlight mobs that have debuff healing on weapon attack casted by frendly players / Support & Sustain
25. Highlight low health frendly players / Healing
26. Show a aoe/ultimate as a cirkel on rada defferent color on frendly then enemy "Standard, negate, vob or nova"/ Sustain
27. An option to set defferent color for each highlight. For example "Highlight low hp frendly player/mob (RED) and Highlight Enemy Player/mob (BLUE) or Highlight/sound when mob cast spell (PINK). Maby a mix of color and text "casting", "low health or 20%", "Debuff healing" and then a option to turn off text when u lean what color is for each highlight.
28. Making a path from Foul Water"crawlers or fish roe", Rivers"insect parts or shad", Lakes"guts or minnows" or Ocean"worms or chub" Then if the bot can detect "by name" if you got all the fish needed in "foul water" then moves to the next path "River" and gets the fish in that pool.
29. Or just a auto fishing option.
I got 2 link with a post with all fish and where thy are spotted by name, zone, pools & fishing guide>
http://doctorapocalypse.kinja.com/the-u ... 1546458958
Here's an example
Salt Water:
Finess Sole
Azurian Flounder
Rock Bass
Cambray Perch
Brook Trout
Foul Water:
Hagfen Hagfish
30. An easy button option with "Logout if player/enemy named Gamemaster*** is nearby"
31. An option to make different emotes when you kill mobs between 10 & 100+-
32. An option to make different emotes when you are close to frendly player "not the same person again and again"
33. An option to logout if your name is in /say chat. Or if someone /wisper bot or botting
34. An option to logout if 1 or 5+- ppl use /chat too close to you too many times
35. If someone is /wisper you 5+- times you have a option to setup different text to write back 1 or more times between 10 and 50min+-
for example "Leav me alone -.-?" "Omg" "bla bla bla" "Next time i will ignore you m8
36. An option to put player on ignore if thy wisper 5+- times to you.
37. An option to move out of enemy Aoe/Ultimate
38. An option to stay in self/frendly Ultimate
39. The bot use the fast travle teleport inside cyrodill to the keep that is under siege with most siege 1 or 20 and stayes inside the keep at the fast travle teleport and wait for the death tick if thy fail taking the keep.
the person using mmoviper can make a path from each keep and each resorce mine, lumer, farm and if the bot cant teleport to any keep that is under siege it will run the patrol moving to a keep/resorce that is under attack and wait for a death tick. When the bot runs the patrol to the keep under attack it will mount up and run, if a enemy player is in sight it will stealth and move to the keep and wait inside for a death tick.
This is my most wanted option to have in mmoviper now when eso is going F2P.. Dual-boxing!
Follow the crown on multiple accounts and have healers spamming/aoe heals while i kill omg mmoviper can you PLEASE
PLEASE look on this as a toppriority PLEASE! This will be the best option to have in eso : O!
>Mmoviper GM quote<
2. Not possible, due to the way the game is made
4. Not possible, due to the way the game is made
Thank you for a powerfull program, i love it<3
Edited 07-01-1015
Edited 09-01-2015
Edited 20-01-2015
Edited 21-01-2015
1. See enemy players in another color.
2. See enemy players in stealth"moving"
3. Fast setup for auto follow on name/leader and still be able to cast spells.
4. Bigger map for cyrodill, greater distance and more zoom to see enemy players to find the big groupe's or snipers.
5. Able to setup alert sound when 1/50+- enemys are incomming in rage of 50/500+- meters.
6. Able to setup cirkel around the spot with most enemys so i know what enemys i shal move my big groupe to bomb.
7. Able to setup more names to highlight.
8. Able to highlight high rank players for more ap.
9. Auto Highlight "enemys" revenge kills.
10. Change color on friendly/enemys when hp goes low 20%+- . Defferent color on enemys then friendly on low hp.
11. Highlight Frendly players when thy are in combat
12. Highlight raid/groupe
13. Highlight lower level players "lvl 10 - VR13" to kill first in a 1vx fight
14. Show a aoe/ultimate as a cirkel on rada defferent color on frendly then enemy "Standard, negate, vob or nova"
15. Highlight/track enemys you have locked target on "the keybind ingame (TAP)"
16. Highlight the enemy/person that killed you last fight
17. Highlight Vamp/WW
18. Highlight by name or more hp "big/boss enemy mobs" / tanking "taunt"
19. Able to setup line from mob to frendly player if thy get aggro from mobs / tanking "taunt"
20. Highlight mobs you have aggro on or the ones you dont have aggro on / tanking "taunt"
21. Highlight/sound when enemy mob use heavy attack / tanking "block"
22. Highlight low health mobs / For dps "execute/dps"
23. Highlight/sound when mobs cast spells / To interrupt
24. Highlight mobs that have debuff healing on weapon attack casted by frendly players / Support & Sustain
25. Highlight low health frendly players / Healing
26. Show a aoe/ultimate as a cirkel on rada defferent color on frendly then enemy "Standard, negate, vob or nova"/ Sustain
27. An option to set defferent color for each highlight. For example "Highlight low hp frendly player/mob (RED) and Highlight Enemy Player/mob (BLUE) or Highlight/sound when mob cast spell (PINK). Maby a mix of color and text "casting", "low health or 20%", "Debuff healing" and then a option to turn off text when u lean what color is for each highlight.
28. Making a path from Foul Water"crawlers or fish roe", Rivers"insect parts or shad", Lakes"guts or minnows" or Ocean"worms or chub" Then if the bot can detect "by name" if you got all the fish needed in "foul water" then moves to the next path "River" and gets the fish in that pool.
29. Or just a auto fishing option.
I got 2 link with a post with all fish and where thy are spotted by name, zone, pools & fishing guide>
http://doctorapocalypse.kinja.com/the-u ... 1546458958
Here's an example
Salt Water:
Finess Sole
Azurian Flounder
Rock Bass
Cambray Perch
Brook Trout
Foul Water:
Hagfen Hagfish
30. An easy button option with "Logout if player/enemy named Gamemaster*** is nearby"
31. An option to make different emotes when you kill mobs between 10 & 100+-
32. An option to make different emotes when you are close to frendly player "not the same person again and again"
33. An option to logout if your name is in /say chat. Or if someone /wisper bot or botting
34. An option to logout if 1 or 5+- ppl use /chat too close to you too many times
35. If someone is /wisper you 5+- times you have a option to setup different text to write back 1 or more times between 10 and 50min+-
for example "Leav me alone -.-?" "Omg" "bla bla bla" "Next time i will ignore you m8

36. An option to put player on ignore if thy wisper 5+- times to you.
37. An option to move out of enemy Aoe/Ultimate
38. An option to stay in self/frendly Ultimate
39. The bot use the fast travle teleport inside cyrodill to the keep that is under siege with most siege 1 or 20 and stayes inside the keep at the fast travle teleport and wait for the death tick if thy fail taking the keep.
the person using mmoviper can make a path from each keep and each resorce mine, lumer, farm and if the bot cant teleport to any keep that is under siege it will run the patrol moving to a keep/resorce that is under attack and wait for a death tick. When the bot runs the patrol to the keep under attack it will mount up and run, if a enemy player is in sight it will stealth and move to the keep and wait inside for a death tick.
This is my most wanted option to have in mmoviper now when eso is going F2P.. Dual-boxing!
Follow the crown on multiple accounts and have healers spamming/aoe heals while i kill omg mmoviper can you PLEASE
PLEASE look on this as a toppriority PLEASE! This will be the best option to have in eso : O!
>Mmoviper GM quote<
2. Not possible, due to the way the game is made
4. Not possible, due to the way the game is made
Thank you for a powerfull program, i love it<3
Edited 07-01-1015
Edited 09-01-2015
Edited 20-01-2015
Edited 21-01-2015
Last edited by ahaekk on Wed Jan 21, 2015 7:35 pm, edited 30 times in total.
Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)
@ ahaekk: Just a couple of notes on those:
2. Not possible, due to the way the game is made
4. Not possible, due to the way the game is made
Otherwise, really good suggestions.
I plan to overhaul the entire scripting engine. Suggestions like these help to make sure that in the new version key features are added. Great suggestions.
2. Not possible, due to the way the game is made
4. Not possible, due to the way the game is made
Otherwise, really good suggestions.
I plan to overhaul the entire scripting engine. Suggestions like these help to make sure that in the new version key features are added. Great suggestions.
Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)
Heh yw i use the rada every day for months and no ban. Cheers & good luck with it (:
Last edited by ahaekk on Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)
PitViper wrote:@ ahaekk: Just a couple of notes on those:
2. Not possible, due to the way the game is made
4. Not possible, due to the way the game is made
Otherwise, really good suggestions.
I plan to overhaul the entire scripting engine. Suggestions like these help to make sure that in the new version key features are added. Great suggestions.
"2. => OR/AND/NOR logic."
you can not add these functions to the bot because of how the game is made? sir are you sure about this?
thoughs functions should have nothing to deal with the game other then how they manipulate the bots scripts

Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)
I was referring to:
2. See enemy players in stealth"moving"
4. Bigger map for cyrodill, greater distance and more zoom to see enemy players to find the big groupe's or snipers.
Those are out of my control. The game does not send stealth player info. And the game does not send the entire zone movements.. only what is in drawing distance.
2. See enemy players in stealth"moving"
4. Bigger map for cyrodill, greater distance and more zoom to see enemy players to find the big groupe's or snipers.
Those are out of my control. The game does not send stealth player info. And the game does not send the entire zone movements.. only what is in drawing distance.
Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)
Full PVP support