Everquest 2 Bot updated

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Everquest 2 Bot updated

#1 Post by PitViper »

This was quite a patch. Lots of new goodies went into the new EQ2 bot for Everquest 2 Bot.

NavMesh navigation. You will find that the movement is much smoother now than ever before and much more precise.

As always if you find something that needs tweaking, just let me know.

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Re: Everquest 2 Bot updated

#2 Post by elrico »

Before this update, my bot was working, now with this update, I doesn't work at all.

It just doesn't follow the set path and doesn't go to the next hot spot. It says it's heading to a hotspot but really it's just blindly heading off into no where, and it's still not smooth, stops after a couple of steps, waits for agro, rests for 6 seconds, then 2 more steps, rinse and repeat. Looking very much like a bot to onlookers.

Maybe I'm the only EQ2 player here? Anyone else having issues with the update?

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Re: Everquest 2 Bot updated

#3 Post by PitViper »

I ran several tests with it before I put it out.

What I think is happening, is that the old patrols did NOT use the navigation mesh and the new ones do. This is causing maybe the error.

Please make a new patrol and see if the problem persists.

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Re: Everquest 2 Bot updated

#4 Post by elrico »

Yes I did wonder if there was some compatibility issue so instead of just updating the files and using the old patrols I deleted the old folder entirely and made new patrols.

I've spent many hours trying to find what it may be. So I even made a very simple patrol, just a circle path with a few hotspots and at 1st, it seems to work, highlights part of the path, turns and heads that way, then stops navigating all together and just runs off as explained pausing every few seconds.

I'm out of ideas atm, so I don't know what else I can try.

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Re: Everquest 2 Bot updated

#5 Post by PitViper »

Post a LOG showing what is happening, maybe that will shed some light on how I can help further.

Logs are in your viper/logs folder.

Zip it up and attach to forum, or copy / paste it here.

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Re: Everquest 2 Bot updated

#6 Post by elrico »

Sry I haven't responded in a while, work has me too busy to play EQ2 and try this out lately but i found time last weekend and managed to find the problem.
The problem seemed to be that i had a second social pet and that was making the bot glitch out.
Eventually i saw something in the logs that made me think it was the pet and as soon as i removed it then the bot started following its path again.

The initial logs gave data like this that didnt alert me to the pet...
[08:13:36.405 x] EQ2ViperBot - v2.0.9.8
[08:13:37.152 x] Profile Harvest loaded!
[08:14:22.447 x] Initialize
[08:14:23.448 x] Initialize Patrol
[08:14:26.473 x] Patrol Area
[08:14:26.474 x] Starting Path
[08:14:27.589 x] Move to waypoint
[08:14:27.626 x] We are attacking
[08:14:28.259 x] No target, waiting to be attacked
[08:14:28.760 x] Something is wrong with the target...
[08:14:28.764 x] No Target:Bad:Mob
[08:14:30.864 x] Move to waypoint
[08:14:31.525 x] No target, waiting to be attacked
[08:14:31.525 x] Something is wrong with the target...
[08:14:31.525 x] No Target:Bad:Mob
[08:14:33.553 x] Move to waypoint
[08:14:33.578 x] CheckAgro
[08:14:33.578 x] We are attacking
[08:14:34.213 x] No target, waiting to be attacked
[08:14:34.713 x] Something is wrong with the target...
[08:14:34.713 x] No Target:Bad:Mob
[08:14:35.903 x] Move to waypoint
[08:14:36.558 x] No target, waiting to be attacked
[08:14:36.558 x] Something is wrong with the target...
[08:14:36.558 x] No Target:Bad:Mob
[08:14:37.489 x] Move to waypoint

But then i got this....
[08:15:20.584 x] No target, waiting to be attacked
[08:15:20.584 x] Something is wrong with the target...
[08:15:20.584 x] No Target:Bad:Mob
[08:15:20.584 x] Move to Mob ? at dist: 16.1678
[08:15:21.858 x] Something is wrong "My pet is attacking something"
[08:15:21.883 x] MoveToMob
[08:15:22.519 x] No target, waiting to be attacked
[08:15:22.519 x] Something is wrong with the target...
[08:15:22.519 x] No Target:Bad:Mob

So i now turn off all social pets before running the bot.

Thanks PitViper

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Re: Everquest 2 Bot updated

#7 Post by PitViper »

Thanks for that report. Yes only 1 pet is supported atm, I need to fix that for second pets.

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