Campaign Manager FAQ and Tutorial

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Campaign Manager FAQ and Tutorial

#1 Post by PitViper »

Campaign Manager Tasks:


Load Patrol -> This will load a patrol and run it. Patrols can be created via the Patrol Areas tab on the bot interface. Patrols are designed to be looped (run over and over again) until a goal is reached. This is usually via player level, or after killing a specified number of mobs (as in questing). You can also define the total number of loops to run. For instance if you wanted to run the patrol 10 times and then go to a vendor/healer/ or whatever.

Goto Waypoint -> This will move the character to a waypoint. When created the waypoint is created directly at the player's feet in game. Keep in mind that because this is a waypoint it will not seek out monsters while traveling to this point. It is used soley for navigation. If you need to hunt along the way, its currently better to create a patrol and use that.

Set Waypoint Accuracy -> This will override the in game settings for how close to a waypoint/hotspot you want to be. The bot typically sets this value around 7-8 "yards" away from the player. However, sometimes it is better to override this if you need to navigate to a exact spot on the map. Just remember to increase it back when you are done. When you bring it up, it will show the current setting as the default option. To reset this value back to the game default.. just set the accuracy to 0.

TODO: Finish this post.

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Re: Campaign Manager FAQ and Tutorial

#2 Post by daomn »

I am working on a Campaign to run through first part of Island of Dawn.

How do you save a campaign?

How do you start running (not creating) a campaign?

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Re: Campaign Manager FAQ and Tutorial

#3 Post by PitViper »

It auto saves as you make changes.

Launch the bot, change the drop down from patrol to campaign.

In newer version, campaign and patrol will be merged into one gui.

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