QUICK MONEY! Youtube video showing off mmoviper

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QUICK MONEY! Youtube video showing off mmoviper

#1 Post by PitViper »

We have 5 prize slots. $100, $50, $25, $10, $5.

Each movie that is posted for each game will have a poll attached to it on how popular it is.


1. Create a movie and post it to youtube.
2. Post a link of the movie here
3. We will create a poll and ask our users what they think of the movie
4. After 2 weeks, whatever your movie is rated, you win!

The movie must be showing the War Viper Bot in action, and/or setup. It must have a overlay in the movie highlighting www.mmoviper.com. It must be specifically to show off viper in action and help sales.

The contest will run from now until November 1.

All videos as of that date will be voted on by our members.

Feel free to ask any questions in our discussions area.

Roll the cameras!!!
Last edited by PitViper on Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

Site Admin
Posts: 20785
Joined: Tue Oct 16, 2007 7:01 am

#2 Post by PitViper »

Correction, ONLY Warhammer and Age of Conan videos are wanted at this time.

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