AoC Bot pre-order questions

Anything related to MMOViper that doesn't fit in a better forum. All are welcome to participate. Also use this area for pre-sale members to ask questions.

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AoC Bot pre-order questions

#1 Post by shinwulf »

Hello fellow botters,

I have a few questions before deciding on purchase.

1. Does game have to be in windowed mode?

2. Can you use a custom UI with the bot?

3. Does the bot drink Potions and eat food?

4. Does bot self buff?

5. Is there a navigation system, Where I can make my own paths?

thats about it for now, any insight will be appreciated. Thank you.

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#2 Post by PitViper »

1. Does game have to be in windowed mode?

YES - (well sorta of). You can try full screen mode, but the start/stop buttons are on the bot, which cannot be accessed in windowed mode.

2. Can you use a custom UI with the bot?

YES - Yes, it is memory based not pixel based bot.

3. Does the bot drink Potions and eat food?

YES - You can set after combat routines and tell it to eat food after a fight, or use potions during a fight if you need a little boost.

4. Does bot self buff?

YES - You decide what spells to cast and when. Putting out of combat spells with timers (like 10 mins) will cast these spells once every 10 mins, etc.

5. Is there a navigation system, Where I can make my own paths?

YES - You tell the bot where and what path you want to hunt.

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#3 Post by shinwulf »

Hehe I couldn't wait for ur reply, and I purchased it. I figured the answers to most of them hehe. So far so good, just tweaking my first path. And havin a blast


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#4 Post by shinwulf »

Btw, this bot has met and exceeded my expectations by far. A must buy.

Thanks again

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#5 Post by PitViper »

I am very glad to hear that.

We are trying very hard to make this one of the best botting sites on the internet.

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