FFXIV:ARR Bot Released

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FFXIV:ARR Bot Released

#1 Post by PitViper »

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes =========
<B>Aug 24, 2013 MMOViperBot Version</B>

- Bugfix: Working with the final version of FFXIV:ARR
- Bugfix: Harvesting enabled and working
- Bugfix: Rezzing enabled and working

Did you know?
With harvesting enabled in this version you can start harvesting within Final Fantasy XIV: ARR bot
How do you do this? Well you can download one of the sample campaigns that I have uploaded or
you can make your own. Here is how you do it. First find a good place to harvest (mining, botany, etc)
Now, pull up viper and enable the radar. Turn off everything but resources so you can see
where the harvest node points are. Now create a new patrol. In the patrol->Navigation tab, turn
on auto add nav points. From here you will need to run from resource to resource so that the bot
can know the best paths to get to the points. You have to do this because alot of the nodes
are behind trees, or only on one side of a tree. Maybe there are boulders in the way, etc.
So run up to each of the nodes and record the green nav lines. This way the bot will take
that path to each of the nodes when they are ready to be harvested. Once done, turn off auto
add and go into the targeting tab. Add the name of the node. Finally go into the hotspots tab
and add a few hotspots at various places so that you cover the entire harvesting area. I like to
just ONE hotspot in the center somewhere and increase the targeting range (in the targeting tab)
so that it will encompase the entire area.

Thats it.. save and start up the FFXIV Bot up. Be sure you check your viper->options to make sure all of the keys
are set correctly. The most important one is the NUMPAD0 key. That is used to click the node and to
click the harvest button.

- If it is not harvesting, make sure that you harvest one yourself only using the Numpad0 key. You may
need to toggle the numlock key.
- You may need to adjust the number of loops if the bot is stopping after some time... (ie not running all night)
- You will need to harvest one node first so that you PICK the type of harvest you want to get.. ie how deep or
what type of result - item you will receive). The bot will default to this one and use it while it is harvesting.


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Re: FFXIV:ARR Bot Released

#2 Post by PitViper »


The default crafting time is set to 3 seconds.. this is WAY to big.. you can edit in the viper->options to 1. Works better.

I'll update for next version.

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Re: FFXIV:ARR Bot Released

#3 Post by skaven1988 »

Hi Viper, Once the servers are up and running, I'll do a video of how to setup the bot if you like?

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Re: FFXIV:ARR Bot Released

#4 Post by PitViper »

That would be nice!

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Re: FFXIV:ARR Bot Released

#5 Post by dgame »

That would be very nice!

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Re: FFXIV:ARR Bot Released

#6 Post by PitViper »

I'm making some videos tonight. Mainly showing how to setup mining, and a archanist.. I'll try to do more classes this week.

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Re: FFXIV:ARR Bot Released

#7 Post by PitViper »

What do you think of the video?

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Re: FFXIV:ARR Bot Released

#8 Post by dgame »

This video is FAIL! I'm not trying to be mean but I'll give you facts as to why this video blows.

1) It's almost identical to your FFXI video. You're even using the same mage type. The only thing that's changed is the game.

2) The community wants tutorial videos so we can use the bot to max efficiency for our needs.

3) As an advertisement "teaser" EPIC FAIL! Anyone that plays the game knows that mob grinding is the slowest way to get xp. At least show a pet class with a chocobo fighting (pet and chocobo out at the same time). People love to level their chocobo. It's claimed this bot can do so much more...Gathering, crafting...that's what people want to see with this game. That would tell everyone what they need to know in the same 1:11 this video fails to do.

Again I'm not trying to be mean but you need to market to this game and not as a generic title.

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Re: FFXIV:ARR Bot Released

#9 Post by PitViper »

1. Who cares if its the same mage type, lol. Its supposed to be a teaser showing those that have never heard of mmoviper what it does. Its not a tutorial video.

2. I have uploaded tutorial videos.. see the help file link at top.. uploaded harvester, GLA, and ARC setups. Maybe you just forgot to view them.

3. Maybe make one for me and I'll use it instead.. :)

I'm a programmer not a advertiser.. just doing what I can.

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Re: FFXIV:ARR Bot Released

#10 Post by 01100101 »

dgame wrote:Anyone that plays the game knows that mob grinding is the slowest way to get xp.
your argument is invalid. The fastest way of doing anything is doing it yourself. Sure, I could spend 60 hours gathering materials and get it done faster then a bot. Or, I could let a bot to it for me in 100 hours and save my sanity.

Same goes for XP gain. I can either grind fates until my eyes bleed, or I can run a nice little script that kills boars while I watch TV and eat some lunch.

Go home troll.

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