LotroViperBot 1.05 Released!!!

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LotroViperBot 1.05 Released!!!

#1 Post by PitViper »

November 28, 2007 LOTROViperBot Version 1.05


--Removed: Some unnecessary log spam.
--BugFix: Calculation of number of hotkeys in startfight is once again accurate
--BugFix: Old unsaved profile will no longer cause a crash.
--BugFix: authentication should no longer crash under some unique circumstances.
--BugFix: Fixed a bug that would cause waypoints to get created even if you didnt move.
--BugFix: Hidden a message box on chat log errors.
--BugFix: Correct hotkey combo is shown now when added.
--BugFix: Correctly jumps over fences now.
--BugFix: Start Fight combos now fire correctly and only once per mob.
--BugFix: Pet classes now flee properly
--BugFix: Where player would try to untarget a mob with very low health
--BugFix: Player will move more realisticly to the mob and not run past it
--BugFix: Player will not get stuck at beginning of patrol while fleeing
--BugFix: Will no longer get stuck in check aggro
--BugFix: Hotkey "9" will now work properly
--BugFix: Profile incompatibility fixed, should be the last time you will need to update a profile.
--Added: Option "Move to mob" move to mob or stay back and fire ranged attacks (will only move in range of the combo "maxrange")
--Added: "Pet Options" tab to Options window
--Added: Option "Pet Attack Command" keyboard command to send pet in to attack a mob
--Added: Option "Summon Pet Key" Hotbar key to summon pet
--Added: Option "Pet Stance" Set pet to guard, passive, etc.
--Added: Option "Pull With Pet" Pulling with pet will wait until the pet attacks the target to fight
--Added: Option "Loot Mobs" choose whether to loot mobs or not
--Added: Option "Flee" players can now choose to flee or not
--Added: Option players can now set what percentage health they will flee at for 1,2, and 3+ mob fights
--Added: Option "% Health to Rest" % Health to rest before moving on to next mob, when not in combat
--Added: Player will now move on if he is trying to harm himself from LOTRO bug
--Added: Option "Notify if Inventory Full" will pop up a message box to let you know your inventory is full
--Added: Flee check so that we dont try to face the target we are fleeing from
--Added: Display of the current MMOViper version
--Added: New Find Missing Hotkeys window for special hotkeys

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