Neverwinter Bot updated to

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Neverwinter Bot updated to

#1 Post by PitViper »

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes =========
<B>Jun 10, 2013 MMOViperBot Version</B>

- Bugfix: Overhauled memory reading (bug fixes)

- Bugfix: Tweaked misc settings

- Bugfix: Even more memory leaks patched

- Bugfix: Updated for latest patch

Did you know?
I am just about ready to beta test the Campaign manager plugin for the NWO Bot. This plugin will add easy customization and control of what the bot does. Some of the things you will be able to do is queue up patrols, stop them at various levels, tell the bot to press different buttons and clicks at various times, etc. So you will be able to queue up a campaign routine that will go through the steps of starting, entering, finishing, and repeating foundry missions.
This also marks the overhaul of the hotkey system. Its next up on the overhaul "chopping block". The new design is more user friendly and easier to understand. Yep.. dumbing it down, but at the same time, leaving the advanced options in for those that want to dig in and find them.

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