GW2 Bot and fix for 5.28.13

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GW2 Bot and fix for 5.28.13

#1 Post by PitViper »

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes =========
<B>May 28, 2013 MMOViperBot Version</B>

- Bugfix: More crash bugs fixed.

Did you know?

The viper bot is extremely advanced and has many options. For instance, in your start fight, you can specify a longer casting time of your main attack. Ie put your main auto attack in Start Fight hotkeys, and set the casting time to say 3 seconds. This will make the mob come to you rather than you immediatly going to the mob. Pretty neat huh? The gw2 bot has soo many options, its hard to list them all but if you can think of it.. its probably already in there.

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