MMOViperBot Released for TERA

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MMOViperBot Released for TERA

#1 Post by PitViper »

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes =========
<B>April 8, 2012 MMOViperBot Version</B>

- Tweak: Increased loot range to be 1.5x waypoint range (in case we chased a mob, will let us still loot it)

- Bugfix: Infinite Loop fixed when looting

- Bugfix: Target Leader/Group working with Follower Mode
- Bugfix: Infinite Loop fixed when looting

Did you know?
Creating your patrol can be as easy or as complex as you like? Your tera bot patrol can be a simple line from point a to b to c, ie abcabc, or it can be random. acbcaab. Perhaps you like a more circular path...and travel from abcbabc etc.
When creating a patrol you tell it what "hotspots" you want to the gw2 powerleveling bot to visit. These can be manually entered, or you can auto generate them. With the included customization that our tera bot supports you can also define how far away from the hotspot you want to look for things to hunt, harvest, or farm. These and so much more is included in all of our bots, including the gw2 harvesting bot.

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