I've spent a few bucks here and there trying out other bots and they just don't do the trick. The last bot I participated with was BuddyWing-- It was so laggy my game wouldn't even co-operate at some times. The setup was so in depth i felt like i was reading a harry potter book. Back to the topic, I've recently downloaded this bot and set everything up the only thing i needed help with was the initial hot keys ( only cause i was new at the time on the game i was botting with ) and because ( i'm new at mmo , well it's been awhile at least ). So coming from a mmo noob, who has only been playing the game he's botting on for a week now this bot was pretty simple to set up. 2.95$ a month, hell yeah you can't beat that. The first day i bought this game I was helped with through support ( se7en ) with teamviewer and he went through he entire setup from top to bottom to make sure I had everything setup right and then we went over what I was having problems with ( hot keys ). So seriously hand down money sent this bot seriously kicks ass - price - support - working - updates - you CAN NOT BEAT IT, and if you can then i guess you wouldn't be here. I can personally say I feel great about paying and using mmov that I will probably be using this bot for other games and for a very long time.
Thanks -
Also - special thanks to DVUS , Se7venthsin, PitViper for helping me on the forums with such detailed help