December 15,2012--

Premium members of viper come share your awesome testimonials of how much you love your viper bot for multiple games. Not only will your positive testimonials help ease fears of new users, but remember this. The more users we have means the most coders we can get to help us give you even better things.

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December 15,2012--

#1 Post by rave1320 »

I've spent a few bucks here and there trying out other bots and they just don't do the trick. The last bot I participated with was BuddyWing-- It was so laggy my game wouldn't even co-operate at some times. The setup was so in depth i felt like i was reading a harry potter book. Back to the topic, I've recently downloaded this bot and set everything up the only thing i needed help with was the initial hot keys ( only cause i was new at the time on the game i was botting with ) and because ( i'm new at mmo , well it's been awhile at least ). So coming from a mmo noob, who has only been playing the game he's botting on for a week now this bot was pretty simple to set up. 2.95$ a month, hell yeah you can't beat that. The first day i bought this game I was helped with through support ( se7en ) with teamviewer and he went through he entire setup from top to bottom to make sure I had everything setup right and then we went over what I was having problems with ( hot keys ). So seriously hand down money sent this bot seriously kicks ass - price - support - working - updates - you CAN NOT BEAT IT, and if you can then i guess you wouldn't be here. I can personally say I feel great about paying and using mmov that I will probably be using this bot for other games and for a very long time.

Thanks -

Also - special thanks to DVUS , Se7venthsin, PitViper for helping me on the forums with such detailed help :)
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Re: December 15,2012--

#2 Post by dvus12 »

Why thank you!

I'm glad everything is up and running.
I know sometimes it can be confusing, but once you get the basics...its pretty easy.

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Re: December 15,2012--

#3 Post by se7enthsin »

Such awesome praise!

Thanks bud!

I'm glad I was able to help you with everything.

Enjoy your stay with us here at MMOViper!

Trusted MMOViper Support Staff
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