2 Computers Question.

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2 Computers Question.

#1 Post by triihesk »

Is there a way you can possibly allow this? During the day i play at my home computer and during the night i play at my laptop. I like to set it up at my home computer configure the pathing etc... then sit at the computer for a couple hours watching it to make sure it works. Then at night i like to leave it on, in my bedroom on my laptop so i can wake up at certain points in the night to check it check texts and check on followers / mending. I use the EQ2 Bot mainly and purchased this bot yesterday. Is there a way you can configure it so i'd be able to do exactly this? Itd be on only 2 computers and not at thesame time....

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Re: 2 Computers Question.

#2 Post by PitViper »

Currently the key is supposed to reset every 3 hours. As long as you log off one, 3 hours later, you should be able to load it up on the other computer.

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Re: 2 Computers Question.

#3 Post by triihesk »

Ahh, but 3 hours:(( thats a pain. Was hoping there would be a way to get around that time without needing 2 different subs..

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Re: 2 Computers Question.

#4 Post by triihesk »

Theres no real point in having the timer though why not just remove it.... Seems theres been some issues with it and alot of people play like i do. If people are logging in at once at 2 different IP's then suspend them, but if they are doing it like me then whats the point... you could atleast take the timer down to like 15-30 minutes

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Re: 2 Computers Question.

#5 Post by PitViper »

I used to have it so that you could log out and then log back in.

But with the new encryption, it messed that up.

I'll see if I can rework it a little or allow 2 IP's.

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Re: 2 Computers Question.

#6 Post by triihesk »

Please try to work that out, for the people playing like me. That would rock. In honesty though, Why not though, theres no real reason not to allow it.

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Re: 2 Computers Question.

#7 Post by sully1313 »

I'd like to add my support for this change. I, as well, would like to run Viper on my laptop at work. This would be an awesome enhancement to an already great program.

I am new to Viper. Been using it for about 2 weeks now and I think it is a fantastic botting program. As with any bot, you need to put some time into understanding how the program works, but with a little effort it produces really good results. I used to use PiroxBot for Wow so I have some exposure to bot programs. Viper is not as full featured as Pirox was, but it is still very good and more than capable for 90% of all my botting needs. Well worth the cost of a subscription and I recommend it.

The 2 things I miss the most are the ability to use a mount while farming and the ability to routinely refresh buffs. I am running a Captain and I can't see a way to refresh buffs and tactics like a could with Pirox. Other than that, outstanding program!

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Re: 2 Computers Question.

#8 Post by renor »

Hej, i have the same p[roblem now when i in work i use bot on my pc. After back home i want use it on my home pc but have 4 hrs break :( Can you fix it for 2 hrs? or so

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Re: 2 Computers Question.

#9 Post by dvus12 »

I just remote desktop into my home pc...

I have a program on my home pc called "Splashtop Streamer"
And then I load it on my laptop and iPhone (the client side)

That way I can load up the bot on the home pc.... and let it go.
Then check on it from my laptop and/or my iPhone.

A wifi connection is preferred, but I can even do things on 3g through wireless cell.
Its slow.... I check mail....sell stuff...chat in guild chat... albeit its laggy.
On wifi.... I can run the fleet and craft...etc etc... cant really paly per say...but its manageable.

This allows me to run the bot on my main pc...which is far superior to my laptop.
And I can check on it from practically anywhere.....

Oh yea.... I believe the program is free for home use... give it a shot.

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Re: 2 Computers Question.

#10 Post by se7enthsin »

I like and dislike the key reset.
On a professional level, I would recommend MD5 checks so that once you use it on the computer you downloaded it to that will be the only computer it will run on. Pending a MD5 change request.

You don't want to make a paid script free.
If that happens then the funding for further development and advancement and up keep of the script would discontinue.

We should have multiple types of premium membership.
Normal membership, 1 account, 1 bot licence.
Advanced membership, 1 account, 2 or more bot licences. extra charge of course.
Guru's, 1 account, unlimited bot licences. Be active in giving support and contribute developments to the ViperProject. lol

I would love to be able to install a self executable on a usb drive that will install my game of choice, load viper up, log into the 1st account on my list and start botting.

I'm normally around a room full of computers.
Telling myself I could be farming gold. :(
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Re: 2 Computers Question.

#11 Post by PitViper »

I have been wanting to have it so that 1 license can be used on 2 computers at a time.. (or share with a friend) - No extra charge. I would rather get viper spread around than charge my customers any more that I absolutely need too.

I do want to add a GURU access... this would include extra premium access.. like scripting, free scripts, turnkey solutions, and alot more of good ideas that my users have been wanting, while still giving access to our original bot through the main membership. My hopes, are that our guru members could make their own scripts/bots and sell access to them through viper to help drive the bot further into what I would like it to be.

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Re: 2 Computers Question.

#12 Post by tracer11lb »

is there a way to transfer my saved profile and patrol to another computer after the 3 hours reset time is up? I it would be nice to have the reset time totally taken off but i understand that mmoviper needs to make money so they can continue developing the software. I use mmoviper on my home pc but i want to be able to load all my save profile and patrol to my laptop. is this possible or do i have to reteach all my profile and patrol?

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Re: 2 Computers Question.

#13 Post by dvus12 »

hmm... not sure if this would work

but can you just backup the mmoviper folder holding all of your data
install viper on the laptop, and overwrite the folder with your saved one?

would be a pain to do after every time... but would be something.
unless you have a network and can just move the folder that way instead of a USB stick or something.

not sure if this would work...just throwing out an idea

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Re: 2 Computers Question.

#14 Post by tracer11lb »

I tried that but it did not work. I can't remember rhe actual error but i got an error.

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Re: 2 Computers Question.

#15 Post by se7enthsin »

just copy everything in your resource folder within or where ever you have mmoviper saved at.



contains all of your profiles and patrols and paths.
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