MMOViperBot Released for FFXIV - FF14

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MMOViperBot Released for FFXIV - FF14

#1 Post by PitViper »

With this patch, we have added compatiblity with other harvester/crafter bots out there.

In the settings options, just turn on the External Harvesting option, and the bot will wait for the external program to harvest. Then viper will run to the next node in your patrol.

If you have problems, with LOS, increase the number of mines etc that you are patroling. I recommend 4 at a minimum.

Let me know if you have any problems with the FFXIV bot and the new FFXIV Crafting Bot Compatibility.

Key words:

FFXIV Harvesting Bot, FFXIV Crafting Bot, FFXIV Leveling Bot.

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