Why only with credit card?

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Why only with credit card?

#1 Post by anonymousx »

I mean, you lose nothing when you are activating all PayPal Options, since PayPal is taking the risk for you..
So why do you only accept Creditcard via PayPal? I have an trusted Paypal account but can't buy the bot since i did not activate a credit card with it :/

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#2 Post by ScreamingEagle »

On paypals site there is an option to change the default (which is credit card) to something else, such as bank account. If you do not have that option you will need to contact Paypal, for some reason or another there are a few countries that they do not accept anything but creditcards from.

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#3 Post by anonymousx »

Actualy you are wrong.. I get the message:

"Sie müssen eine Kreditkarte hinzufügen, um den Einkauf abzuschließen. Der Verkäufer akzeptiert ausschließlich Sofortzahlungen."

Which means that i have to create an credit card account because the seller is only accepting instant cash..

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#4 Post by PitViper »

Please contact the german paypal office.

Here in the US, it is working, so it sounds like the german version of paypal has not enabled that option yet.

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