Aion Bot

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Aion Bot

#1 Post by aznthugslks »

Is the Aion bot any good? I'm currently looking for an Aion bot and am looking through sites, and this one seems legit.

Any input will be appreciated.

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#2 Post by PitViper »

I am going to say yes, but I'll let our users post in this thread to give you some more opinions.

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#3 Post by sk8ter_punk121 »

Yes this bot is amazing! It's a new bot so it still has some bugs, but most are all fixed.

The bot takes some getting used to, but if you follow the instructions you will have it up in no time. In my opinion this is the best bot out there, it is the most complex and versatile bot money can buy.

With most bots out there, It just targets anything in range, runs to it and kills it then loots it and moves on. Most of the time getting stuck on a tree, rock, fence, and anything else it runs into. You cannot set what mobs you want to attack, what skills you want to use or however many you want and in what order. With MMOVIPER You can set what mobs you want to attack, not just random mobs that are in your line of sight! Also YOU decide what skills you use and what order you use them in!!! Another thing is waypoints!!! 75% of other bots do not offer waypoints. With MMOVIPER you can have as many waypoints as you want!! MMOVIPER also comes with REZ PATH functionality!!! Thats right! Lets say you die and you are afk, no worries MMOVIPER will run back to your starting point and start all over!

I think MMOVIPER is the the best bot money can buy and its getting better every day!

I love this bot!!


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