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Calendar or Work log?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:14 pm
by dvus12
Would it be possible to add a calendar or some type of working log so we can have some idea of where you are on each bot?

I know your busy, and I think this would cut down on some questions on when something would get worked on.

I know for myself...I check daily and sometimes for weeks nothing is done on my game bot.
Then out of the blue....lots of activity.....then nothing...

If I saw a calendar or something that said...

9/21 SWToR Bot
working on a,b,c

Estimate completion 9/28

Or just anything.... would be alot better then just asking or sitting here waiting.

I would assume GW2 is your bot being worked on as its a new game.
At the same time, others have paid for older games that need attention.

So this might hold some people over with atleast a rough date of what can be expected.

Just an idea of course. their a known issues area for all the games? I see a few stickies...
I ran into the Sniper bug....and the old posts say check the stickies. I never found a sticky

Re: Calendar or Work log?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:45 pm
by PitViper
Can you link me to any of those calendar/timeline apps?

Basically what gets worked on, is what is causing the most people grief. That usually tends to be the new bots (gw2) as it is full of bugs at release. Over time after the rush to fix bot stopping issues, I start looking at the bug forums and pick at random something to fix.

So basically if there is something you are wanting fixed, just keep bumping it.. it keeps it on my mind. I know its not the most ideal method but its how I am working currently. :(

I'm guessing you are referring to chests in swtor.. yea its still on my mind.

Re: Calendar or Work log?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:04 pm
by dvus12
Well, I do have my personal things for SWToR that I would like.

But just something that tells people what your working on.
Maybe a sticky in general or announcements that you lock down and only you update it when your digging in to something. That would be simple.

Maybe have it say "this" is what I am currently working on.
And "this" is what I am trying to get done by this day/date.

Just something so people can see it and say ok...this week is busy, but perhaps next week if I put the bug in your ear you will post to work on it next week.

Because sometimes several days go by with no word on something. So if we atleast could see, hey...this is being worked on now... and later this week its posted this is getting done.

As far as a calendar addon....I am not sure what forum your using... Vbulletin, SMF, PHPBB etc etc. They all have calendar addons if you wanted to go that route. I think a simple sticky in announcements that you just update maybe once a week or if its something important... would be easier.

Re: Calendar or Work log?

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:41 pm
by PitViper
I'll see what I can do..

I used to have the bugtracker working.. and it had issues that people had reported and were working on. I'll see if I can get that back up, or something similar to it.

Re: Calendar or Work log?

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:01 pm
by dvus12
Bugtracker would be good

Re: Calendar or Work log?

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:16 pm
by PitViper
I am hoping to have it running sometime this weekend.. (time permitting).

Still need to get out alot of patches.