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FFXIV Bot - Scripting additions for harvesting and more

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:36 pm
by PitViper
June 13, 2022 MMOViperBot Verison

All Bots:
- Added: Scripting API: IPluginManager - NOTE: Moving all plugin specific functions here (GetPlugin, SendMessage to plugin, etc.).
- Added: Scripting API: Some plugin functions marked as deprecated and will be removed in a future patch.
- Deprecated: IGame:IPlugin GetPlugin(string pluginName) (Moved to IPluginManager)
- Deprecated: IGame:List<IPlugin> Plugins { get; } (Moved to IPluginManager)

- Added: Scripting API: IBuff, IBuffManager - Buffs and effects
- Added: Scripting API: IWindow: SendCommand
- Added: Scripting API: IWindow: GetWindow
- Added: Scripting API: IWindow: ListWindows
- Added: Scripting API: INodeManager, INodeItem - Harvesting Interactions
- Added: Scripting API: IPlayer.ClassJob