Plugin/Scripting Ideas

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Plugin/Scripting Ideas

#1 Post by PitViper »

I am working on the scripting plugin interface and I was thinking about making a plugin for each game that would offer leveling 1-max level.

It would be an additional cost, but it would be customized specifically to each race/class and basically unattended level from 1-xx. Just install plugin, setup hotkeys as dictated on the plugin, and press go.

It will detect your current level and resume progress at a restart, etc.

Would this be something that people would be interested in?

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Re: Plugin/Scripting Ideas

#2 Post by dvus12 »

Depends on how much, and what options it does.
I would be interested....

At this time... I just make patrols for toons and save them.
So if I have an empire toon that is leveling in the same planet as my prior...i just use the same patrol.
Ofcourse, I have to create a new profile but that isnt that bad.

Can you give some examples of what features you would add in?

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Re: Plugin/Scripting Ideas

#3 Post by PitViper »

I really dont know yet.. but basically a run it with almost no setup and have it level.

Sell on full inventory, auto equip better items as they are found.. change zones when necessary, etc.

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Re: Plugin/Scripting Ideas

#4 Post by sima »

I would be interested too .again it comes down to cost but it would be great.Im working long hours was waiting for GW2 to come dont have time to play. but I dont want to be too many lvls behind. so its a great idea for the working stiff (ME).

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Re: Plugin/Scripting Ideas

#5 Post by stefman12 »

id buy an eq2 plugin though eq2 has more classe's/race's than most game's so i Imagen it would be expensive? could you do a compleat pack the "class pack" plugins to reduce cost for those that don't need them all as i say if it was all class's in eq2 i could see it being major expensive and that way you could also release it part at a time as you get each class done

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Re: Plugin/Scripting Ideas

#6 Post by se7enthsin »

PitViper wrote:I am working on the scripting plugin interface and I was thinking about making a plugin for each game that would offer leveling 1-max level.

It would be an additional cost, but it would be customized specifically to each race/class and basically unattended level from 1-xx. Just install plugin, setup hotkeys as dictated on the plugin, and press go.

It will detect your current level and resume progress at a restart, etc.

Would this be something that people would be interested in?
Whats exactly your point? We would have to pay some more to do what the bot already dose?

seems legit.
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Re: Plugin/Scripting Ideas

#7 Post by stefman12 »

I think the point is its all automated i could set it going on day 1 and not have to touch it for a week(as it does all the inventory management +zoning) and come back at the end of that week to a max lvl character rather than having to make my own paths come back every couple of hours to do inventory management and take him to a new zone to make another path and mob list etc

Have you made any more headway with the plugin system? and this script engine especially i would love an sk ratonga one even if its just a pre defined grind path and it do-sent use questing etc so long as it sells loot zones itself etc

Also have you thought about doing a plat farming pack where there's a template for each class and pre built rout for dungeon's for plat farming? might be a simpler one to start off with as after the path and class is built in the existing program youd only have to script object interactions such as in chelsith picking up the fish and feeding it to the leviathon to spawn the fight to gain access to the last boss

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Re: Plugin/Scripting Ideas

#8 Post by se7enthsin »

1:Tester <---Me

I'd like to see if there is a better way to make pathways.
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Re: Plugin/Scripting Ideas

#9 Post by stefman12 »

se7enthsin wrote:Heh
1:Tester <---Me

I'd like to see if there is a better way to make pathways.
Dont get the 1:tester thing

but yeh i agree the current pathing system isnt that good for more complex rout's.E.G. somewhere like chelsith ill start on the left side clear that using the bot then manuelly do the fish thing then set the bot going again.Instead of following the waypoints in the order i made them alot of the time itll either start again(go back to entrance and re run left side before continuing) or itll get confused and sometimes keep looping the left lane

when i go up i set the waypoints on the left side of the path on the way back i stick them to the oposit side of the path so theres no overlap the reson you have to do that is because theres a forcefield around the boss untill all other named's have been killed but the left side right side seems to confuse the bot


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Re: Plugin/Scripting Ideas

#10 Post by dvus12 »

I dont think I would want the bot to do "everything"....wouldnt that make it extremely more detectable?

I think what I would want....above all else.... is the ability to share paths.

The info saved in the path shows zero about your character or account.....
You can export it...
email it to another member, and they can "import it"

User created ones would mostly be different.. maybe same areas, but I would think it is highly unlikely that the actually x and o of the paths would match. Which would be harder to detect.

This would also add to your community.
Maybe make a section on the website (for premium members) that have uploaded paths for people to download.
Add in a commenting people can comment on how well/poor the path works.

I think implementing this would be outstanding.

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Re: Plugin/Scripting Ideas

#11 Post by se7enthsin »

If anyone remembers WoWGlider,
We developed a perfect pathway editor. ... guide.html
It's a huge read out. If you like programming then this my interest you.

The pathway editor will open up a map with all data shown, ores monster patrol all that stuff. Simple point and click, then with point in click the rez pathway where ever. You don't have to walk around the whole path you wanna take. Saves So much timeeeeeeeeee!!!
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Re: Plugin/Scripting Ideas

#12 Post by stefman12 »

nice + rep to you sir if i could figure out how lol ill have to have a look at this when i get home

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Re: Plugin/Scripting Ideas

#13 Post by se7enthsin »

stefman12 wrote:nice + rep to you sir if i could figure out how lol ill have to have a look at this when i get home
For some reason we can not give rep.
Weird huh?
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Re: Plugin/Scripting Ideas

#14 Post by wsninety2 »

Hey guys, sorry for bumping such an old thread. Was wondering why my Import and Export are both greyed out after having purchased the full version of the app so there's no restrictions I know of. Just wanted to get one I downloaded finally and found for my area up and running and I can't.

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Re: Plugin/Scripting Ideas

#15 Post by estebypla »

Hello i m new , but too old school hehe ... well i remember use someone time CE, OLLY ,C++ etc.... and hacking any mmorpgs remember
VAC HACK : mobs around you alls comming at you ( 500 mobs )
NON AGRRO: obbiusly NON AGRRO offsets important , this make enemys on your dmg 0
HIDE ID: or FALSE ID: server side obviusly.

well with this 3 , i remember make in someone dungeons me only alot EXP alot DROPS and alot Funy

i send here someone #w expemple.

Modified Non-Aggro Script

Code: Select all

//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat
jmp newmem 
movzx eax,word ptr [esi+00000154] 
//mov eax,01 
//mov word ptr [esi+00000156],ax
mov [esi+0000006c], 00000000 // Freeze mob 
mov [esi+00000070], 40C00000 // speed mob 
//40c00000 = 6 lv 1 (to replace the above blue color) 
//40400000 = 12 lv 2 (to replace the above blue color) 
//41c00000 = 24 lv 3 (to replace the above blue color) 
mov byte ptr [esi+00000174],00 // malee attack range = 0 
mov byte ptr [esi+00000244],00 // magic attack range = 0 
mov [esi+00000240],0000000 //other attack range = 0 
mov [esi+0000023c],0000000 //other attack range = 0 
mov [esi+00000238],0000000 //other attack range = 0 
mov eax,03 
mov word ptr [esi+00000154],ax 
jmp returnhere 

//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
dealloc(newmem) 0053A30A: movzx eax,word ptr [esi+00000154]


Code: Select all


jmp newmem


mov edx,[eax+1c]
mov [ecx+20],edx

mov edx,99
mov [eax+1C],edx

mov edx,999 // number boss spawn
mov [eax+8c],edx

mov edx,01 // time delay between spawn
mov [eax+90],edx

mov edx,99 // num mob follow me
mov [eax+3C],edx
mov [ecx+20],edx
jmp returnhere

mov edx,[eax+1c]
well wait my info make someone help or make a new idea ^^
sorry i m not using translator and i know my english bad hehe ... i hope u understand this. thanks you !! :mrgreen:

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