Paypal forcing customers to receive Robo calls

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Paypal forcing customers to receive Robo calls

#1 Post by buffylvr »

Hey MMOViper,

I love your FFXIV product, but when my subscription expires I won't be able to resub if you don't have a way to pay other than Paypal.

I closed my account *yes you can opt out, but it's the principle of the matter to me* for Paypal which I believe is the only way you guys have to pay.

This isn't a threat and isn't about your product, I just wanted to let you know I would prefer a different way to pay in about 3 months.


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Re: Paypal forcing customers to receive Robo calls

#2 Post by PitViper »

A spokesman told the BBC that customers wanting to opt out of receiving marketing materials could do so by unsubscribing "notifications" in their settings.

Sounds easy enough.

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