Patrol and Campaign "Groups"

Anything related to MMOViper that doesn't fit in a better forum. All are welcome to participate. Also use this area for pre-sale members to ask questions.

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Patrol and Campaign "Groups"

#1 Post by argantesx »

Not sure if this is possible, but it would be a nice feature if you could create Groups within the Patrol/Campaign list to better sort and organize them.

This way I could have a group called "Mining" and when I mouse over it a fly out menu will appear that contains my mining patrols etc.

I also would like to see Patrols and Campaigns be specific to profiles. If I create a profile called "hunting" I would like to not have to filter through all of my gathering patrols.

I am not a programmer so not sure of the technical difficulties in adding this feature, but it doesn't seem like it would be too hard.


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Re: Patrol and Campaign "Groups"

#2 Post by PitViper »

Eventually, I'm gonna make it a folder/file select instead of a drop down.

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