Fast leveling

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Fast leveling

#1 Post by glenriel »

I have been watch this site for some time now. Before I buy the bot, I have one question.

How fast can you level? I have a level 27 minstel, 26 Guard, and a 26 Hunter. How fast should it take to get to 50?

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#2 Post by PitViper »

The bot just plays for you.

Take your player out and start fighting and see how the exp's are doing.

From there, you can get somekind of an idea on how well the bot will do.

I would estimate that the bot is about 85% as effecient as a real human player for the first 2 hours, then about 110% as effecient for hours 2-8. So this averages out to about 105% more effecient than any player. This is mainly because the bot never stops. It doesnt take breaks.

But this is all speculation. To have any real results you would pretty much have to play for a few hours yourself, and then let the bot run for a few hours and compare.

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