Buying Viperbot

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Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:29 pm

Buying Viperbot

#1 Post by grrrarrgh »

I just purchased your program yesturday and I must say that its quite easy to use based off the knowledge given in your demo vids =) That said, if for some reason I had to stop using it (like acct ban, death..) and i canceled my paypal billing, would it immediately stop my viperbot usage ability or continue through the end of the month?

Question 2: if i bought your prgm on oct 27 is the next billing date exactly 1 month (30/31) days from now?

thx for the reply --once again, amazing bot =)

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#2 Post by PitViper »

If you cancel your paypal billing, you will still have access to the full month that you paid for.


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