Badly disappointed

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Badly disappointed

#1 Post by maddinii »

First of all there was no way for me to actually test this or see anything from the "bot" *cough* before buying it, which i was not happy about and my concerns were right.

I do not understand ANYTHING from this. As far as i know a bot is supposed to do work for you, but with this programm you have to do a lot of work, before anything would even happen and then risk a ban for that. Maybe if i could just click and collect, but not like this.

The whole designs of this program is for people who understand programming and if i would, then i would make my own. It is not user friendly at all and it wouldn`t even work with eso, as eso kept crashing over and over.

I apoligize for all this hate, but i simply can not write anything good about this. Can not recommend it at all.

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Re: Badly disappointed

#2 Post by PitViper »

Maybe if you posted threads asking for help?

Watched some of the videos in the help section?

Just saying nothing works, is not helpful.

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