Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#121 Post by nauspav »

I read this topic. And you plan is to support profile, like this ?
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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#122 Post by PitViper »

I would like to have something VERY similar to that yes.

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#123 Post by coder77 »

If some of these already exist, please excuse them. Some of these ideas to try to extend what viper closer to a scripting language sort of like programming on the TI-84 calculators.

1. ) Ability to store values for use. Like a variable. (I'm not sure what you programmed Viper in but you could store them in a string dictionary that uses generic string comparisons.)

2. ) Get In-Game Time

3. ) View Items and their Count from a warehouse.

4. ) Detect if obstacle is within a given directional cone from the player. - What I mean by this is you would execute something like "DetectObstacle(50, 3, 10)" Where 50 is the directional degree from the player, where 0 would be where the player is facing and 180 would be facing the back of the player. The second argument, 3, would be the degree width of the field to detect within. The last argument 10, would be the distance the field would extend from the player. See the image below for more details.

5. ) Detect how many mobs are within a given directional cone from the player. Just like the previous item, but with mobs and it would return a number.


6. ) Ability to use the Basic Production Window and Cooking Window.

The code might look something like...

Code: Select all

AddProductionIngrediant: Mineral Water;
AddProductionIngrediant: Wheat;

You could also maybe do something like this for the cooking station...

Code: Select all

GoTo WorldNav: <Insert Residence Front Door Coordinates>
Rest: 1000;
Press: R;
Rest: 1000;
GoTo WayPoint: 5x, 5y, 1000z;
Rest: 500;
GoTo WayPoint: 10x, 5y, 1000z;
Rest: 500;
AddCookingIngrediant: Mineral Water, 6;
AddCookingIngrediant: Leaving Agent, 2;
AddCookingIngrediant: Sugar, 2;
AddCookingIngrediant: Potato, 5;
StartCooking: MAX;

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#124 Post by PitViper »

Alot of these are coming... :)

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#125 Post by havoc »

1. Looting option -> loot all except "name of items"
2. Storage -> store all except "name of items"

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#126 Post by loofi »

a Whitlist / black list of items to loot. when farming / fishing etc.

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#127 Post by aekicker »


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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#128 Post by xirorz »

any new on this ETA

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#129 Post by havoc »


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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#130 Post by gilin »

Let's see from initial use of the DBO bot for fishing, if people wanted to get good on the mini-game it might be good to include a listener option for when a fish is biting, as well as perhaps an option to check if the bar is in the right spot to press spacebar, ooh! and a hold spacebar option so people can use energy while fishing if they want. It'll probably be easier to just list them below xD

Soooo features:

- Listener for fish biting for people to code with.
- Possible option to check if bar is at the right spot to get perfect (a delay could be done for people to change based on their ping to get it to work well enough).
- Hold spacebar option for keyboard in campaign so people can use energy if they want.
- Is it possible to detect what keys are what for the captcha? (if for example the above option is viable.. but it gets good instead of perfect) if not, an option to detect the letter by points on the screen (would have to be generic screen resolution for this to be viable but that way it would be like (point a, b, c and d make the letter A, press A, etc))
- Similar to the UseInventoryItem: (partial name) but for dropping items from the inventory, this would allow fishers, or grinders to remove unwanted items from their inventory. So for example DropInventoryItem: hook, press F (to drop all), Press Enter, Press Enter and it's gone :)

I know this all seems very fish based, but that's because i haven't had the chance to look at the grinding section just yet :P

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#131 Post by tigo »

Marketplace Captcha solver!

Thats what i vote for :)
Anything that would allow me to buy the liverto i want...

Its the only lacking feature i can see in the bot tho
Ty for your work!

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#132 Post by shadowraven »

It has probably already been mentioned, but a universal file format would be nice for the campaign/patrols.
Like an .xml, so that the more code savy people on the forum could just code most of the bases of a campaign or profile without having to use the MMOviper interface would be really nice.
This would also allow for easy editing and combining of profiles in the long run which I’d really like.

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#133 Post by mannedpanda »

Don't know if it is included in more complex scripts, but true/false statements in loops would be nice. i.e. not just variables; been running into this fishing trying to figure out if(player.ItemEquipped = WeaponX") > goto task x. If there already is I didn't see it on the help file, but i'm blind as a bat sometimes.

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#134 Post by ironmonkey »

My only suggestion is a much more user friendly UI. The patrols are easy enough but the combat profiles are a lot more complicated from a new users perspective than they need to be. Maybe have an advanced and basic layout or something.

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#135 Post by PitViper »

@ironmonkey, yes I have been talking to a few people on how to redo the hotkey system. I want to convert it so that everything is XML and can even have an external hotkey editor or whatever to edit profiles.

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