MMOViper Needs YOU!!! Help us spread the word!!!

Read-only announcements from the team.

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MMOViper Needs YOU!!! Help us spread the word!!!

#1 Post by PitViper »

I want MMOViper to be the smartest, easiest to configure, most widely-used bot for all MMO's.

I can't accomplish this all on my own. I need your help. I will give out free Viper access to anyone who can make something useful for any of the bots and/or the Viper community. These things may include, but are not limited to:

Tutorials: Setup, walkthroughs, movies, help files, etc.
Visual Effects: Graphics, Images, Videos, text, etc.
Advertiseing: Links on other sites pointing to
Affiliate Sales: You refer somebody to our product, you get part of that sale!!!

I really can't stress the fact that I need help to make this project a success. Thanks for your time and thanks to those using MMOViper!!!

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