MMOViper Beta Released for Tera

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MMOViper Beta Released for Tera

#1 Post by PitViper »


You can download it from the downloads section.

====== MMOViperBot BETA Change Notes ======
<B>May 22, 2012 MMOViperBot Version BETA</B>

- Tweak: Mapper (internal) tweaking
- Bugfix: Sometimes bot would get stuck and not move to a mob anymore, just stand there
- Bugfix: Sometimes it would bypass a mob for no good reason
- Disabled: Temporarily removed the auto stuck prevention code (using old stuck code for now)

- Bugfix: Tweaked pets aggro detection so bot will try to attack their targets

- Bugfix: Make harvesting range even smaller, now set to 4 feet.
- Bugfix: Angles were a little off when targeting mobs

With 2.0 we are overhauling the entire bot to make it easier to use and more user friendly. This means we need your feedback as we upgrade and update sections of the bot. With this release, we have overhauled the target/patrol settings information. Now everything is on its own tab in the bot. Click on Patrol Areas to create one.

You can check the Mapper checkbox to display what is going on (recommended while setting up, turn it off to bot for speed).

Next, check the auto nav on the navigation tab, and check the auto hotspots on the hotspots tab. And start running your path.

Turn off BOTH when done. (I need to add a auto cut off if you hit the save button). But anyway..

Next select your targets. Enjoy the new pop up target selector.. :)

Click save..

Then you can start the bot.

Please let me know features/ideas that would make it even MORE user friendly.

With this update, we should have sharable/uploadable paths in a patch or two.



Oh, again, this is for the tera bot, and all of your tera botting needs. Gotta get those keywords in there. :)

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