LOTROViperBot 1.06 Released!!!

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LOTROViperBot 1.06 Released!!!

#1 Post by PitViper »

What has changed for 1.0.6:

NOTICE: If you created a shortcut manually, you will need to uninstall and make a new short cut to the new launcher.exe.

--BugFix: Login window will now give an error message on invalid user/pass instead of closing.
--BugFix: Fixed bug where loot button would not get clicked.
--BugFix: Bot is now a little easier to "Stop/Pause" (ALOT more improvemnt still needed!)
--BugFix: Fixed random crash during fighting if using a pet class
--BugFix: Fixed bug causing some mobs to be passed over and not looted
--BugFix: When a mob is not in "Line of Sight" now works as intended
--BugFix: Fixed bug that would cause multi target to fire incorrectly with pet classes
--BugFix: Fixed bug that would cause the hotkey training window to not show up.
--BugFix: Fixed bug that would cause some mobs to not be looted.
--BugFix: No longer need to target player when initializing.
--BugFix: Fixed bug causing mob names to display as unknown.
--BugFix: No longer need to turn on floaty names.
--BugFix: Will not attempt to hit a hotkey that is out of range (red cross on icon)
--BugFix: Fixed bug that caused mobs to be targeted over and over
--BugFix: Invulnerability code now only checks for attackable targets.
--Added: Bot will no longer face/move to the target when looting unless required.
--Added: Bot will keep track of mobs that it cannot see in its line of sight and not try to attack them again
--Added: Bot will now keep track of mobs that are invulnerable and not try to attack them again
--Added: Bot will now assist its pet if the pet is being attacked
--Added: Mining/Foresting/etc It will mind/harvest names that you enter in the mob to kill list. I guess now it is a kill/havest list. :)
--Added: Changed the maximum number of mobs/items to kill/find to 900
--Added: The player moving to a mob appears to be less bot like
--Added: Player will now stop and resume patrol when it cannot get to a mob.
--Added: Pet Health to Hotkey selections, spell will fire if pet health drops below this number (Can now heal pet when its health is low!!!)
--Added: Target pet to Hotkey selections (If spell requires the pet to be targeted) --- (Can now heal pet when its health is low!!!)
--Added: Will auto summon a pet as long as the player it not in combat
--Added: Running to a lootable mob looks less bot like
--Added: Option to remap Assist Key in Options for assisting the pet
--Added: Mob names are now cached to a file for faster lookup.

What we are working on (not in any particular order):

--Adding queue display in viper window
--Adding detailed log for analysis
--Item hotkeys

Did we miss something? Please let us know in the suggestions forum!

Site Admin
Posts: 20785
Joined: Tue Oct 16, 2007 7:01 am

#2 Post by PitViper »

Mining is included in this release.

Make sure your USE ITEM key and TARGET NEXT ITEM keys have been mapped like the viper client is expecting them.

Also, this release may be a little more buggy than previous releases as we changed up alot of things. But rest assured, any bugs that crept up, we will squish them as usual with the best possible speed.

Please let us know of any features you would like or any bugs you may find.

We are always open to suggestions and ideas to add to make this a better bot for everybody.

Enjoy this fine release!

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