FFXIV Bot Updated to

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FFXIV Bot Updated to

#1 Post by PitViper »

Oct 27, 2014 MMOViperBot Version

All Bots:
- Bugfix: Removed log spam

- Bugfix: Fixed targeting issues with aggro
- Bugfix: Fixed group Leader/Follower with aggro
- Added: Follower bot does not need to be grouped (part of Power Level Assist mode that is coming)
- Broke: CHN version for aggro detection will fix soon.
- Bugfix: Fixed issue where some nodes would show as "fate" and bot would not harvest them.
- Bugfix: Bot will now harvest Unknown items that are hidden. Just use the advanced harvesting options with name: Unknown
- Bugfix: Fixed search for teleport window before sending command /teleport
- Bugfix: Updated for latest offsets

Did you know?
With the new option to allow for Power Leveling using the Follow bot, you do not need to be grouped any longer.
This will allow you to have a bot follow around a lower level character and "assist" them while they fight mobs. So that they will gain all of the exps. To make this work fully as of right now, set the bot to "Follower". Then you need to adjust your hotkeys so that you do not use them unless the target is lower than 100% health. This option can be found in the hotkey/advanced radio button under HotKey->Advanced->Current Enemy->Mob Health, set this to 99%. This makes it so that the hotkeys to attack and kill the target will not fire until the mob has been claimed by the person you are powerleveling.

At a later time, I will add in a Power Level Assist option directly in the grouping option and make internal checks for if the mob is claimed or not.

Please give suggestions on how I can improve this new feature.

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