FFXIV Bot Updated for Fate Farming and Chinese Server

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FFXIV Bot Updated for Fate Farming and Chinese Server

#1 Post by PitViper »

Sep 25, 2014 MMOViperBot Version

All Bots:
- Bugfix: Will no longer find targets from way off and try to go straight there.

Elder Scrolls Online Bot:
- Bugfix: Updated offsets

- Bugfix: Bot works with Chinese server again
- Tweak: Bot now uses the navmesh to get to within 25 units of mobs to hunt (May change this to 0)
- Bugfix: Fate mobs will no longer cause the bot to crash as they are leaving the fate
- Added: New task: FFXIV->Goto Fate. Use this to set a hotspot at the fate and navigate to it via mesh.
- Added: Task Goto Fate will ONLY go to a fate that has a navmesh line near its center.
- Added: If you are fighting a fate mob, and you need to levelsync the bot will now do this automatically. Types /levelsync
- Bugfix: You can now use chocobos and summoner pets at the same time (bot will know which one is which)

Here is the quick and dirty to use the new ff14 fate bot, or ffxiv fate bot.
Make new Patrol.
Go into Navigation and record a nav mesh from the center of a fate to the next center of a fate, etc. Just connect them.
Set a flee waypoint. This is where the bot will "rest" if there is no fate to fight. But of course, you can also add in farming spots, etc.
Add a task were you want it to fight a fate. Task:FFXIV/GotoFate. Options are Nearest, Highest%, Lowest%. If in doubt, use the Nearest option.
Now, to repeat the patrol over and over, at the end add a Task:Logic/Goto 1

Thats it. Save and let it go.

When it finds a fate in final fantasy xi bot will automatically navigate to it via the mesh and start fighting until all fate mobs are dead.

Current Bugs:
Some fates have large area ->Bot only sees a small area near the center of the fate. Currently 25 units from center.
Bot does not support fates that you have to activate or turn in items.

Please give feed back and how I can improve it.

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