ESO Bot update Plus Scripting Additions

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ESO Bot update Plus Scripting Additions

#1 Post by PitViper »

Aug 16, 2017 MMOViperBot Version

All Bots:
- Added: Patrol Task: SetOnDeathPatrol: Patrol name. -- This will define what patrol to run after you die.
- Note: The bot will resume the original patrol after running the OnDeathPatrol.
- Note: So, the OnDeathPatrol setting is a good place to put a navigation patrol back to the grind area.
- Added: ScriptingAPI -- IPatrol IGame:CurrentPatrol -- This returns a IPatrol interface
- Added: ScriptingAPI -- string Name IPatrol:Name -- Returns the name of the current running patrol
- Added: ScriptingAPI Event: event EventHandler OnDeath -> Called just as you die.
- Added: ScriptingAPI Event: event EventHandler OnRez -> Called just after you rez

Elder Scrolls Online Bot:
- Bugfix: Updated for broken offsets

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