CHIMERA - Alpha 10 - Bug fixes, tweaks, harvesting!

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CHIMERA - Alpha 10 - Bug fixes, tweaks, harvesting!

#1 Post by PitViper »

Chimera Alpha 10
-- Added: Task StartPatrol with options for index and resume original when finished.
-- Added: Scripting Control ListView more options/optimized
-- Tweak: Plugins now have more realestate if using a tab
-- Added: Multiple controls for use with Scripting tabs
-- Added: Scripting API: ShowAlert
-- Bugfix: Multiple bug fixes

Rejuvinator 3000 Plugin v1.10
-- Bugfix: Rejuvinator3000 no longer tries to heal/pot if player is dead!

Memory Modules v1.10
-- Added: Added IMob CurHP/MaxHP/MobBase
-- Bugfix: SWTOR Crash Bug

Patrol Bot v1.10:
-- Added: Harvesting Options
-- Added: OnDeath Options

Still to come dox, videos, etc. Will work on those for beta 1.

The plugins should auto update if you installed them with an earlier Alpha.
If they dont, or you are installing from scratch here is some instructions to get started:

Launch bot. Go to Game tab. Click on New. Create

FFXIV: Create new Game Profile, name it FFXIV. Set the window to ffxiv_dx11.exe
ESO: Create new Game Profile, name it ESO. Set the window to eso64.exe Save.
SWTOR: Create new Game Profile, name it SWTOR. Set the window to swtor.exe. Save.

Head to Plugins tab. Click Import for the ones you want to play with:

E268F0FCC0237BDF3375C172FA1C1F34 -- ESO Memory Module v1.10
66A545AFB098F2C07719615F0406386A -- FFXIV Memory Module v1.10
6278A5E5788017D3CE8EED6DB63F8328 -- SWTOR Memory Module v1.10

FE3DE659EE5F8596091AD9AB7A448E83 -- Simple Radar v1.10 (needs a Memory Module also installed)
50C05B7D684F3318DF8541C1B867AF31 -- Simple Patrol Bot v1.10 (needs a Memory Module also installed)
672D7EBC4E1DD647E8ADAFEF4348CD5A -- Rejuvinator 3000 v1.10 -- Basic Resting/Potion/Food Plugin

Currently, you will need to setup how the bot turns/moves. Here are my test settings Minimap tab/Nav Settings:
ESO: RUN/Stop: ESO Plugin, Left/Right: Mouse Move TurnStep: 5, Rate: 3.93, Delay: 35, Tol: 10, Stop: 3.0
FFXIV: RUN/Stop: FFXIV Plugin, Left/Right: Right Mouse Turn, Step: 6, Rate: 8.35, Delay: 35, Tol: 10, Stop: 3.0
SWTOR: Only thing you need to set is the Stop: 3.0 (which is default)

I will have sources to the radar and the patrol bot ready for beta.

NOTE: If you have a 4k monitor, or use GPU scaling, the bot will look aweful!!!. To fix:
Chimera.exe->RightClick->Properties->Compatibility->DPI Settings->Override DPI Scsaling->Set to System
Save, run, enjoy!

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Re: CHIMERA - Alpha 10 - Bug fixes, tweaks, harvesting!

#2 Post by PitViper »

Patrol Bot Plugin
PatrolBot.png (134.68 KiB) Viewed 821 times

Radar Plugin
Radar.png (330.12 KiB) Viewed 821 times

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Posts: 20785
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Re: CHIMERA - Alpha 10 - Bug fixes, tweaks, harvesting!

#3 Post by PitViper »

HexPlorer Plugin
HexPlorer Plugin.png
HexPlorer Plugin.png (133.66 KiB) Viewed 821 times

Site Admin
Posts: 20785
Joined: Tue Oct 16, 2007 7:01 am

Re: CHIMERA - Alpha 10 - Bug fixes, tweaks, harvesting!

#4 Post by PitViper »

Hotkeys.png (136.1 KiB) Viewed 821 times

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