BNS ViperBot updated - Scripting Plugins

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BNS ViperBot updated - Scripting Plugins

#1 Post by PitViper »

The BNS bot has been updated to

There is a new launcher to use when starting the bot.

Detection status is currently unknown, so please use with caution.

Blade and Soul Bot:
-Bugfix: Fixed broken offsets
-Bugfix: Tweaked window titles
-Added: New Launcher to auto update bot.

Plugin support has been officially released. You can see the new API if you load the viper.scripting.core into Visual Studio. I will be releasing a demo plugin with in a day or so, to let people see exactly how to use plugins. For now, you can get a basic idea by looking at some of the BDO plugins in the BDO scripting plugin forum.

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