Blade and Soul Bot Update

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Blade and Soul Bot Update

#1 Post by PitViper »

February 24, 2016 MMOViperBot Version

All Bots:
Tweak: Tweaked memory usage
- Added: New If/While variable: Random.Percent - Rolls a 100 sided die, and returns 1-100. Use: If Random.Percent > 99 Then.....
- Added: New Task: Goto Random Hotspot: x,y,z, user defined random distance. Here the bot will move a random distance from the hotspot.
- Added: Task: Set Waypoint accuracy now effects Hotspots!!! Accuracy is how close to get to a hotspot before moving to the next one.

Blade and Soul Bot:
- Tweak: Campfire repairs
- Added: Spam weapon durablility to log on first run

- Bugfix: Updated broken offsets

GW2 Bot:
- Bugfix: Updated broken offsets

Did you know?
With the new random variables, you can farm bosses now and look more human while doing it. You can now even add a task press keys:/emote hurry up, to go off randomly say at 10%.
Here is a pseudo code example:

Code: Select all

Set waypoint accuracy 30
Goto random Hotspot:, x,y,z, 15
If Random.Percent > 90 
  Press Keys: /dance
  Rest: 5000
  Press Keys:a (movment to stop dancing)
end if
Goto 1
Here is a summary of what will happen with the above code:
First, the accuracy is set to 30. This number is 2 times the random distance. We set this to that value because the bot will randomly head to the hotspot. Now it can be at most 15 left or 15 right.. so 15+15 = 30. This will cause the bot to not keep moving every 8 seconds. You can adjust the values smaller to have the bot move a little while waiting. Then it will head to the hotspot, but pick a random distance from it. Next, it will kill the boss if it has popped. Afterwards, it will head to another random hotspot and wait. If you do not add a duplicate random hotspot, the bot will first wait 8 seconds before moving to the waiting area!!! Now, it will wait 8 seconds. Then it will a die, if 90% or better shows up, the bot will type an emote, or dance, or whatever.Finally the bot will repeat from the beginning.

Site Admin
Posts: 20785
Joined: Tue Oct 16, 2007 7:01 am

Re: Blade and Soul Bot Update

#3 Post by PitViper »

Replied in thread.

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