Blade and Soul Bot - - Boss Farming Bot

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Blade and Soul Bot - - Boss Farming Bot

#1 Post by PitViper »

February 9, 2016 MMOViperBot Version

All Bots:
- Added: Target Option: HP To Attack. If mob health is above value, will skip that mob. Good for BOSS type mobs to let others get aggro. Default is 100 or always attack
- Added: New Task: Find Patrol Targets Near Me (range). This is a floating hotspot, where you can customize how far to look from your current position for things to kill (from your targets list)
- Added: New Task: Face Direction: Compass heading - Will turn the char to face the specified direction
- Added: If/While variables for use in tasks:
"Player.Level" - Current Player Level in the game
"Player.HP" - Current Player Health as a percentage 0-100%
"Player.OutOfCombat" - If player is currently not being attacked
"Player.InCombat" - If player is currently being attacked
"Bot.RunTime" - Current Runtime of the bot in hours (1.5 hours, etc)
"System.Time" - Current System time in hours (0-23) (4:30 AM = 4.5, 10:30PM = 22.5, etc)
"Bot.PlayersInTargetingRange" - Returns PC players within the default targeting range (usually 40 in game units)

BSN Bot:
- Bugfix: Fixed looting bug where bot would get stuck trying to loot if inventory was full
- Bugfix: Tweaked looting, should now loot all world/boss chests
- Tweak: Reduced distance for interaction (some objects would not press F otherwise)
- Added: Weapon Repair when durability is 2 or less. Set campfire in patrol/misc, AND connect it with green nav mesh via patrol/navigation.

Did you know?
You can now repair your weapon before it breaks in the Blade and Soul Bot. Here is how you do it.
First, load up your patrol via the patrol tab. Click on the MISC tab. Now, run to a campfire near
where you are in game. Once you are on top of it, in the MISC tab, click SET to set the campfire
spot. Then SAVE your patrol. Next, go into the patrol/navigation tab. Click on auto, to auto record
green nav lines from the campfire back to your grind area in your patrol. Make sure to connect up
all the dots. Stop the auto, and save again. Your bot will now repair your weapon when its durability
is 2 or less. (Make sure you have some repair tools in your inventory!)

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Posts: 20785
Joined: Tue Oct 16, 2007 7:01 am

Re: Blade and Soul Bot - - Boss Farming Bot

#2 Post by PitViper »

- Bugfix introduced in with BNS Bot causing the bot not to attack targets in your patrol.

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