AION MMOViper Released

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AION MMOViper Released

#1 Post by PitViper »

We have a new mapping feature that we are getting ready to release. Basically we have overhauled our pathing system so that now there will be an option to map as you go. The bot will remember all places you have been and attempt to get there without having to load a path for it. I'll give more details as we get it closer to release.

AION - (Released 2009-11-19) [ View Issues ]
- 0000326: [Feature Request] Whole names for Mobs - resolved.
- 0000185: [Bugs] Stutter stepping (ScreamingEagle) - resolved.
- 0000282: [Bugs] Block at gathering - resolved.
- 0000328: [Bugs] Options - Grouping - Hunting Types list problem - resolved.
- 0000165: [Bugs] "Too many players" stutter-stepping - resolved.
- 0000338: [Bugs] "Logout on Follow" is not working - resolved.
- 0000174: [Bugs] Crash when creating new hot key - resolved.
- 0000188: [Bugs] Gathering - resolved.
- 0000324: [Feature Request] Fixed bug where follow bot would not detect other groupmembers being attacked - closed.
- 0000323: [Bugs] Fixed grouping bug where follow bot would forget who is leader - closed.
- 0000321: [Bugs] Bug causes AION to crash somtimes when targeting a mob - closed.
- 0000322: [Bugs] Bug in grouping where follow bot would get stuck in attack mode - closed.
[12 issues]

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